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It has become the fashion to-day, thanks to your socialists, reformers, and agitators, to decry a man because he is rich, to take it for granted that he is a thief and a scoundrel, that he has no sense of responsibility for his country and his fellow-men. The glory, the true democracy of this nation, lies in its equal opportunity for all.

Edison: his first and leading thought has been, What can I do to make life easier and more enjoyable to my fellow-men? He is a great chemist, a trenchant and original thinker on all the great questions of life, though he has delved but little into the world of art and literature a practical scientist, plus a meditative philosopher of profound insight. And his humor is delicious.

People in Sardis think my disposition hard and exacting; they think I care for little except to get all that is due me. But no man here can say that in all his long life Robert Glen shirked or evaded a single duty that he owed to the community or his fellow-men, no matter how dangerous or disagreeable that duty might be.

"Why, the man whose life I took this very day," resumed Hendrick, clenching his right hand almost fiercely, "has doubtless left a woman at home who is now a widow, and it may be children, whom I have rendered fatherless! No rest no rest anywhere from this constant slaying of our fellow-men; yet I was forced to do it to save the life of my wife's kinsman!

She had hardly thanked him. She realised, with tears of shame, that this inestimable service she had accepted as matter of course. It was the way of Saxham's world to take of him and render nothing; he who was worthy to be a King among his fellow-men had been their servant as long as she had known him.

"What agonies of mind I endured, what burning tears I nightly shed upon a pillow I was destined to press in freezing loneliness, what hours of solitude I passed, far from the haunts of my fellow-men, and forming plans of vengeance, it would take much longer time to relate than I have actually bestowed on my unhappy history.

He could not fathom the wistfulness which clouded the blue eyes she lifted to his face. "It is very narrowing," she said humbly. "One may devote one's self to one's duties as a landed proprietor," said Peter, with another recurrence of pomposity, "and yet see something of one's fellow-men."

To such repentance and atonement let it be my duty to call him; if he reject that appeal, and be hardened only the more against me because I have forgiven him my injuries, then it will be time enough to denounce him for his crimes to his fellow-men.

Just as other men have a pain in hand or foot, heart-ache or head-ache, so he had God-ache. Unhappy man! And unhappy fellow-men! And man, this thing, is he a thing? How absurd soever the question may appear, there are some who have propounded it. Not long ago there went abroad a certain doctrine called Positivism, which did much good and much ill.

It is not, I suppose, necessary to state that during this period there were numerous songs sung some of which, to say the least, were not of a high moral order and speeches were delivered whose senselessness were only equalled by their blatant untruthfulness, when attacking men and women who were working and suffering for the welfare of their fellow-men, and the honor and glory of God.