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John Gregory, Professor of Medicine in the University of Edinburgh, died on Feb. 10 of this year. It was his eldest son James who met Johnson. 'This learned family has given sixteen professors to British Universities. Chalmers's Biog. Dict. xvi. 289. See ante, i. 257, note 3. See ante, i. 228. See ante, ii. 196. In the original, cursed the form that, &c. Johnson's Works, i. 21.

William H. Crawford of Georgia, Secretary of the Treasury, succeeded in obtaining the formal nomination of the party caucus on Feb. 14, 1824; less than a third of the Republican members were present, and the character of the nomination rather injured than aided Crawford.

Today some new washing troughs were brought up for us to wash our clothes in; and now we have plenty of clothes, soap, water, and tubs to wash in. In general we are tolerably clean. "Feb. 1st. Sunday. Last evening between 7 and 9 o'clock five of the officers in a separate prison, who had agreed with the sentry to let them go, made their escape and took two sentries with them.

I met with these verses very early in life, and was so delighted with them that I have them by me, copied at school. Good night and sound rest, my dearest Clarinda! Thursday Night, Feb. 7, 1788. It is perhaps rather wrong to speak highly to a friend of his letter; it is apt to lay one under a little restraint in their future letters, and restraint is the death of a friendly epistle.

Your pal, JACK. Somewheres in France, Feb. 15. FRIEND AL: Well Al I just been over to the canteen and I give the little lady the valentine I promised to write up for her and I wasn't going to write it up only I happened to remember that I promised so I wrote something up and I was going to make it comical but I figured that would disappoint her on acct. of the way she feels towards me so here is what I wrote up.

I do know Lady Roberts Austen; have been to luncheon at her house, but have not seen her since I came this time; I have communicated as yet with so few. I heard from her the other day however, and I know she will go to your house if she possibly can. I have to drive wherever I go. I move too slowly for crowds and public conveyances. I cannot risk weather. Feb. 8.

But the Winebagoes never denied any of the denials of the Menomonees. In a treaty of the United States and the Menomonees and Winebagoes, of Feb. 6th, 1826, in Article 8th, it was acknowledged that there existed some uncertainty in consequence of the cession made by the tribes upon Fox River and Green Bay, to the New York Indians.

By 1601 Essex had lost the Queen's favour, and had raised his rebellion, and B. was one of those appointed to investigate the charges against him, and examine witnesses, in connection with which he showed an ungrateful and indecent eagerness in pressing the case against his former friend and benefactor, who was executed on Feb. 25, 1601.

Never mind, a good growl to you is a fine restorative, and really I get on very well somehow. 'Well, good-bye, you dear Sisters, 'Your affectionate Brother, On the last day of February came the new 'Southern Cross, and two delightful notes announced it to the Vicar of Hursley and to myself in one envelope. 'St. Andrew's: Feb. 28, 1863.

Feb. 7 "At the church meeting thirty-two candidates were examined for admission to the church." Feb. 8 "Sabbath; ninety Tuscaroras in attendance upon divine services; a most solemn assembly." Feb. 12 "An interesting young converts' prayer-meeting." Feb. 13 "My children all have the whooping cough." Feb. 14 "Detained from church meeting by the sick children."