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James II., no longer knowing what was to become of him betrayed by his favourites and his ministers, abandoned by all his nation, the Prince of Orange master of all hearts, the troops, the navy, and ready to enter London the unhappy monarch confided to Lauzun what he held most dear the Queen and the Prince of Wales, whom Lauzun happily conducted to Calais.

A recurrent smile beamed on his face when hearing and observing her. Certain dishes provided at the table were Diana's favourites, and he relished them, asking for a second help, and remarking that her taste was good in that as in all things. They lunched, eating like boys.

The mother wished to have her grandson to educate; her daughter-in-law opposed it because she preferred taking care of him herself; and then ensued a dog-and-cat quarrel. The wife, who is cunning enough, governs her husband entirely, and has gained over his favourites to be her creatures. She is the idol of the-whole house.

"Oh! yes; war is certainly our trade." "And have you yet seen any of its horrors? Has this ship been in combat since your service?" "This ship!" "Surely this ship: Have you ever sailed in any other?" "Never." "Then, it is of this ship that one must question you. Is prize-money plenty among your crew?" "Abundant; they never want." "Then the vessel and Captain are both favourites.

The charm in decline was not good enough for Lewis Carroll; the successive little favourites, we learn, were always dropped at about ten. That was the limit.

The sultan of the Indies said this, that his favourites might not know the impressions their observations had made on his mind. He was, however, so much alarmed by them, that he resolved to have prince Ahmed watched, unknown to his grand vizier. For this end he sent for the sorceress, who was introduced by a private door into his closet.

If it ended in a soldier's grave, he believed he had seen in Vaninka's eyes that she would mourn him; if his future was glorious, glory would bring him back to St. Petersburg in triumph, and glory is a queen, who works miracles for her favourites.

They took the more care to have their sentiments known on this subject, as our Ambassador's calumny had hurt their popularity. It was then first that, to revenge the shame with which his duplicity had covered him, Beurnonville permitted and persuaded the Prince of Peace to begin the chastisement of Their Royal Highnesses in the persons of their favourites.

The land was given to certain favourites by the English Government, which at that time was the stronger, and has remained so ever since When we ask for our own again you cry out 'Robbery, robbery! We are the people to say 'Stop thief! You say the owners of the land rebelled, and their property was rightly confiscated.

It represented the profile of a rather pert looking young person with a tip-tilted nose and an eye several sizes larger than was consistent with the usual anatomy of the human countenance. THE SISTERS INGLETON..........The Cheverley Favourites SIGNORINA CARMEL LESLIE....The famous Sicilian Comedienne MISS GOWAN BARBOUR..............The Daisy of Chilcombe