United States or Guam ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Greenfield; but as soon as his master and his young mistress had entered the coach, banged to the door and scrambled up on the seat alongside the driver, and so away without a word, but with another impudent grin, this time favoring both Barnaby and the old gentleman. Such were Sir John Malyoe and his man, and the ill opinion our hero conceived of them was only confirmed by further observation.

I don't mind telling you that, for you look like an outlaw yourself, and you'll sympathize with me. I want you to carry baby for me, and to take us both to the nearest town. Do you hear? Will you do it?" "Sure-ly," said the man, favoring Flower with a long, peculiar glance. "Well, here's baby; you must be very careful of her.

Every favoring wind blew them across the sea in shoals to burn and ravage.

Recently, too, the weather had been favoring him by changing from wet to dry, so that the upper Wabash and its tributaries were falling low and would soon be very difficult to navigate with large batteaux. Very little was done to repair the stockade and dilapidated remnant of a blockhouse.

Whatever Napoleon's views, Bismarck saw that he was safe from any interference on the part of France, and returned with the fixed design of driving Austria to the wall. On January 24, 1866, he reproached the Austrian government with favoring in Holstein the pretensions of the Duke of Augustenburg. The grievance soon became envenomed by complaints and ulterior measures.

Those favoring the adoption of the Constitution were called "Federalists" and those opposing it "Anti-Federalists." #Arguments For and Against Adoption.# The Federalist party was composed of those men who were desirous of a strong central government, and for this reason favored the Constitution.

Caracas, La Guaira and many other towns were reduced to ruins, and some small dwellings entirely disappeared. It was pointed out that the towns punished by the earthquake were those that had shown themselves as favoring independence. Whole bodies of troops were buried.

Again there was laughter followed by a few derisive comments from the party favoring Thurston's cause, while one voice was audible above the rest, "Hudson's been buying horses. Some Vancouver speculator's check!" The rancher, shaking off his follower's grasp, bounded to his feet, and glared at the men behind him. "I'll get square with some of you fellows later on," he threatened.

He promised to do what he could towards favoring the world with a second generation of the beauty, grace, intellect, and nobility of character which had already won his regard. He thought, however, that their gifts were unnecessary, since the model was already in existence, and nothing more could be done than to IMITATE it.

In addition to the injustice of favoring one class of creditors more than another which was equally meritorious, many arguments were urged in support of the policy of distributing to all with an equal hand from the same source.