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"You darling!" fatuously. "Carlotta, will you marry me?" It was out at last the words she claimed she had brought him up the mountain to say the words he had willed not to speak. "Of course. Kiss me again, Phil. We'll wire Daddy tomorrow." "Wire him what?" The mention of Carlotta's father brought Phil back to earth with a jolt.

Yet the sky-heights, being so far off, are not overpowering by disproportion, like some futile building fatuously made too big for the human measure. The cloud in its majestic place composes with a little Perugino tree. For you stand or stray in the futile building, while the cloud is no mansion for man, and out of reach of his limitations.

Then, he had an inspiration that he believed to be his duty as a host: as a matter of fact, it was rudeness in a husband toward his wife on the first anniversary of their marriage. He turned suavely to Mrs. Delancy. "You'll stay to dinner, of course, Aunt Emma." And he added, fatuously: "You and Cicily can chat together afterward, you know.... I've a horrible pile of work to get through to-night."

Inanely dumb, he sat watching her, smiling fatuously until it was borne in on him that he was staring like a boor and grinning like an idiot. Convinced, he blushed for himself; something which served to make him more tongue-tied than ever.

That's why I'd like to be a hermit. Hermits don't ever marry, do they?" "Hundreds of 'em," said the hermit, "when they've found the right one." "But they're hermits," said the youngest and beautifulest, "because they've lost the right one, aren't they?" "Because they think they have," answered the recluse, fatuously.

"I couldn't say that to you over the phone, however,—could I?" "Anne's sister-in-law is expecting a baby," put in Mrs. Wintermill fatuously. This would never do! Percy ought to know better than to say such things to Anne. What on earth had got into him? Except for the foregoing effort, however, she was quite speechless.

Please tell me about New York. That's the place, all right. Jiminy! wouldn't I like to go there!" "I wish you could have been there, Carl. We had such fun in my school. There weren't any boys in it, but we " "No boys in it? Why, how's that?" "Why, it was just for girls." "I see," he said, fatuously, completely satisfied. "We did have the best times, Carl.

"Do you dare, sir, as a candidate for Governor of a prohibition State, to stand up here before these representatives of the temperance societies and say you are opposed to prohibition?" "I certainly do," declared the unruffled General. "For this State is not a prohibition State! It fatuously thinks it is when the citizens can get all the liquor they want without trouble.

"It takes all sorts to make a world," said I fatuously, for lack of anything better. "Don't be an infernal idiot!" he answered, flicking the dust off one of the gilt chairs, and afterwards cleaning a space for his elbow on the looking-glass table. "It takes only two sorts to make the world we've lived in, and that's you and I." He gazed slowly round the walls.

Indeed, as the description progressed, detailing the child's attire even to his red shoes, the old fellow's fingers were toying fatuously with one of them in his deep coat pocket among the loose tobacco that fed his pipe. "That don't half ekal him," he broke out suddenly. "Never war sech another delightsome leetle creeter." A moment of stunned amazement supervened among the group.