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"Not this, sir?" said Budsey, aghast. "I said this," replied Farnham. "Perhaps they won't enjoy it, but I shall enjoy giving it to them." Farnham and Temple were eating some bread and cheese and talking over the evening, when Budsey came back with something which approached a smile upon his grave countenance. "Did they like it?" asked Farnham.

By this time they were all in the library, and the young lady was laughing, not loudly, but musically, and Mrs. Belding was saying: "Served you right for shopping on Sunday. But they are adorable little images, for all that." "Yes," said Farnham, "so the woman told me, and she added that they were authentic of the twelfth century.

He stand up, with hees head out. He walk to the shore. He see Carkaire look for heem, and he keep steel. Now he look for Carkaire. Better have a care, gringo, for Jose Murillo weel find the time to strike you yet! Adios! He weel see you lataire!" The man turned and hurried away. When the Farnham Hall baseball team came out for practice that afternoon they found another team on the field.

She wondered what sort of woman was the person named Bond. Then she decided that she had acted wisely in not going to Farnham. Why should she? If Hugh was with the girl he admired, then he might return with her. Her only fear was lest he should be arrested.

Hymn-writer, s. of an officer in the army, was b. at Farnham, ed. at Westminster and Trinity Coll., Dublin, after which he took orders and became incumbent of Broad Hembury. He was a strong Calvinist and entered into a bitter controversy with Wesley.

The pretty maidservant smiled and bowed him into the cool, dim drawing-room, where Alice was seated at the piano. She rose and said instinctively to the servant, "Tell mamma Captain Farnham is here," and immediately repented as she saw his brow darken a little. He sat down beside her, and said: "I come on a twofold errand.

The flower was faithfully though stiffly given, and nothing especially remarkable had been attempted or achieved. Farnham looked at the sketch with eyes in which there was no criticism. He gave Alice a word or two of heartier praise for her work than she knew she deserved.

Give me the club," which he took without more ceremony. The men came up from the garden in an instant, and quickly fell in at Farnham's word of command. Masked by the shadows of the trees and the shrubbery, they were not discernible from the street. "Remember," said Farnham.

I have reasons to believe that Bowers deliberately tried to give my Farnham Hall team the short end of a game played here in this city. No, sir, I'll not accept Bill Bowers." "Well, we can find some one else." "Don't put yourself to the trouble. I've told you I would supply the man, and I've guaranteed his honesty. If you don't like that, you're at liberty to cancel." "Why not have two umpires?

Farnham into my confidence obtain at least an adviser who would relieve me, if only partially, from the weight of responsibility, which I now felt to be pressing rather too heavily upon my strength. But though I carried out this programme as far as seeking for and procuring an interview with Mrs.