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"Ay, the minister brought yon puir lassie a message frae the gude Lord `Yet return again to Me' and she just took it as heartily as it was gi'en, and went and fand rest puir, straying, lost sheep! but when she came to the table o' the Lord, the ninety and nine wad ha'e nane o' her she was gude eneuch for Him in the white robe o' His richteousness, but she was no near gude eneuch for them, sin she had lost her ain and not ane soul i' a' the parish wad kneel down aside o' her.

"I would not advise you to make a practice of that, sir," says I. "I feel sure you would not find it to agree with you." "Tit you effer hear where Alan Grigor fand the tangs?" said he. I asked him what he could possibly mean, and he answered, with a heckling laugh, that he thought I must have found the poker in the same place and swallowed it.

"An' they cam' to see you, granny?" asked Winsome, who approved of the subject. There we heard him routin' for three days till the cotmen fand him i' the hinderend, an' poo'ed him oot wi' cart-rapes. But when he got oot certes, but he was a wild beast! Reed breeks did na suit Jock's taste at the best o' times, and he had no been brocht up to countenance yellow facin's.

"'Well, hae your wish, laddie, said he; 'it's a sma' penny fee for so dear a bargain; and, turnin', I fand mysel' alone, an' not a saul upon the ice, far or near.

The judge fand a law that fitted him, for conspiring against the life of a citizen; an' he behooved to give up hoose an' lands, and be a Christian; yon was a soor drap he tarned no weel, puir auld villain, an' scairtit; an' the lawyers sent ane o' their weary parchments till his hoose, and the puir auld heathen signed awa' his siller, an' Abraham, an' Isaac, an' Jacob, on the heed o' 't.

Beneath the frescoes he put the words: "Hier wo mein Wähnen Frieden fand, Wahnfried sei dieses Haus von mir benannt," which may be Englished: "Here, where my illusions respite found, 'Illusion-Respite' let this house by me be crowned." In this home, plain in its exterior, but full of richness within, Wagner lived at ease with his wife and her four children.

"Weel, sir, there micht hae been something like that intil 't! But I wantit sair to win at my bairn again; for i' that trance I lay in sae lang, I saw or h'ard something I took for an intimation that he was alive, and no that far awa. And wad ye believe't, sir? i' this vera hoose I fand him, and here I hae him, and I'm jist as happy the noo as I was meeserable afore!

George again, and fand him bedfast by his custom, and asking him how he did, 'Ever going the way of weilfare, says he. Mr. Thomas, his cousin, shawes him of the hardness of that part of his Storie, that the King would be offendit with it, and it might stay all the work. 'Tell me, man, says he, 'gif I have told the truth? 'Yes, says Mr.

Redgauntlet was aye for the strong hand; and his name is kend as wide in the country as Claverhouse's or Tam Dalyell's. Glen, nor dargle, nor mountain, nor cave could hide the puir hill-folk when Redgauntlet was out with bugle and bloodhound after them, as if they had been sae mony deer. And, troth, when they fand them, they didna make muckle mair ceremony than a Hielandman wi' a roebuck.

Come into the world again, wild bees, wild bees! One hears in the old poems of men taken away to help the gods in a battle, and Cuchullan won the goddess Fand for a while, by helping her married sister and her sister's husband to overthrow another nation of the Land of Promise.