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It is reported that his predecessor, Celestine V., had said of him, "Thou risest like a fox; thou wilt rule like a lion, and die like a dog." The last expression was unjustified. Boniface VIII. was a fanatic, ambitious, proud, violent, and crafty, but with sincerity at the bottom of his prejudiced ideas, and stubborn and blind in his fits of temper: his death was that of an old lion at bay.

The only possible selection, therefore, was Li Hung Chang, who was, accordingly, appointed plenipotentiary. He reached Shimonoseki on March 20, 1895, and, four days after his arrival, the success of his mission was greatly promoted by the attempt of a fanatic to assassinate him during his conference with Count Ito, the Japanese representative.

Absorbed in his work, a zealot, a fanatic, conscious of all she had and of all he lacked, he had not noticed how his own mind had expanded, how broader ideas had come to him, how the confidence born of persistent thought gave force to his words and how the sincerity and passion that rang in his voice reached if but for a moment the hearts of men.

"Who who who," he said, stammering with rage, "who asked this impudent fanatic into the house? Did you?" Before Aunt Ablewhite could say a word, Rachel answered for her. "Miss Clack is here," she said, "as my guest." Those words had a singular effect on Mr. Ablewhite. They suddenly changed him from a man in a state of red-hot anger to a man in a state of icy-cold contempt.

Another is the certainty that the war will increase the number of devoted and fanatic characters available for disinterested effort. Whatever other outcome this war may have, it means that there lies ahead a period of extreme economic and political dislocation. The credit system has been strained, and will be strained, and will need unprecedented readjustments.

But I watched, crouching there nervously, for long after he was gone. "For God's sake, who is it?" whispered Hilton, with a sort of awe in his voice. "It's Hassan of Aleppo!" I replied. Virtually, the house, with the capital of the Midlands so near upon the one hand, the feverish activity of the Black Country reddening the night upon the other, was invested by fanatic Easterns!

On August 21st she first met the only man able to withstand her; and their first passage of arms left, as he has recorded, upon the mind of John Knox, an ineffaceable impression of her "proud mind, crafty wit, and indurate heart against God and his truth." And yet her acts of concession and conciliation were such as no fanatic on the opposite side could have approved.

If you're mean enough to not take me, I'm mean enough to do something desprut. You'll see!" Her father realized that there were several things a young girl could do to punish her parents. Kedzie frightened hers with her fanatic zeal. They gave in at last from sheer terror. Immediately she became almost intolerably rapturous.

"You have the makings of a fine fanatic in you ... in the early Christian era you would have been a church martyr." I held immediate consultation with Darrie and Hildreth and they were both scared blue ... but they were game, too. Darrie, however, unfolded a principle of strategy which I put into immediate effect ... she advised me to try a bluff first.

Says Helps: "He was the mighty conqueror of one of the most compact and well-ordered barbaric nations of the world a conqueror who, with a few hundreds of his fellow-countrymen, not all of them his partisans, overcame hundreds of thousands of fanatic and resolute men fighting against him with immense resources, and with a resolution nearly equal to his own.