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Men and women die; philosophers falter in wisdom, and Christians in goodness: if any one you know has suffered and erred, let him look higher than his equals for strength to amend and solace to heal." "But the instrument the instrument! God, who does the work, ordains the instrument.

It was a long pull; they could see that he began to falter after his exertions in rowing; a deathly fear crept over both those hearts, but they did not speak scarcely breathed. Suddenly an outgoing wave washed the helpless girl from Tom's grasp; she was sinking again.

Never give up never falter not even for a moment. But be steady to your purpose yet in every step of your progress say, "O God, thy will be done." Original. A family is a community or government, of which the parents are the legislators, and the children are the subjects.

Might she not, even now? And all feeling, except just a sort of quivering, deserted her as if she had fallen into a trance. Why spare this girl? Why falter? She was first! He had been hers out there. And she still had the power to draw him. At dinner the first evening she had dragged his gaze to her, away from that girl away from youth, as a magnet draws steel.

Her single thought was of speed, more speed, to get to Locke quickly. She was appalled at the squalor of the neighborhood in which she finally found herself. Disgusted and revolted at the filth of Old Meg's abode, still not for an instant did she falter or hesitate. She ran down the steps to Old Meg's home.

She did not speak, but continued her search, and Mona looked at her wistfully for a moment, not knowing how to begin her carefully prepared appeal having vanished as if by magic. "Minnie," was all she could falter out, "I have been so so unjust to you always. Can you forgive me?"

You will be glad to hear that Anthony, though he did shirk the welcome on the quay, behaved admirably, with the simplicity of a man who has no small meannesses and makes no mean reservations. His eyes did not flinch and his tongue did not falter. He was, I have it on the best authority, admirable in his earnestness, in his sincerity and also in his restraint. He was perfect.

Almost exactly 50 years ago in the first winter of the Cold War President Truman stood before a Republican Congress and called upon our country to meet its responsibilities of leadership. This was his warning. He said, "If we falter, we may endanger the peace of the world, and we shall surely endanger the welfare of this nation."

Our cabman kept a good courage, as long as the highway showed signs of much travel, but when it began to falter away into a country road, he must have lost faith in our sanity, though he kept an effect of the conventional respect for his nominal betters which English cabmen never part with except in a dispute about fares and distances.

There men died by the hundreds and by the thousands that one of the opposing armies might advance a few yards. Gains even were counted by feet almost by inches. Gain of a few yards was accounted a day's work well done. Not once did the French troops falter under fire; nor did the Germans, for that matter. Never was there greater bravery, loyalty and devotion.