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"Tulke has followed us. He's comin' up the street now." "They've niver put us out o' bounds," said Mother Yeo. "Bide yeou still, my little dearrs." She rolled into the inner room to make the score. "Mary," said Stalky, suddenly, with tragic intensity. "Do 'ee lov' me, Mary?" "Iss fai! Talled 'ee zo since yeou was zo high!" the damsel replied. "Zee 'un comin' up street, then?"

In the meanwhile Chang had explained many of the inner details of his craft so that Fa Fai should the better understand the requirements of her new art. "Yet where is the Willow plate itself?" said the maiden, as she began to arrange her mind towards departure. "As the colours were still in a receptive state this person placed it safely aside for the time. It was somewhat near the spot where you "

"Come yeou right in an' set down, my little dearrs," said the woman. "They'll niver touch my man. He'll poach 'em to rights. Iss fai! Fresh berries an' cream. Us Dartymoor folk niver forgit their friends. But them Bidevor poachers, they've no hem to their garments. Sugar? My man he've digged a badger for yeou, my dearrs. 'Tis in the linhay in a box."

"This person had not yet chanced upon a suitable title for the device," said Fa Fai, "and a distinguishing name is necessary, for possibly scores of copies may be made before its utility is exhausted. Your discriminating praise shall be accepted as a fortunate omen, and henceforth this shall be known as the Willow Pattern Embellishment."

On the same day Wong Ts'in honourably fulfilled his spoken word and the marriage of Wei Chang and Fa Fai took place, accompanied by the most lavish display of fireworks and coloured lights that the province had ever seen. The controlling deities approved, and they had seven sons, one of whom had seven fingers upon each hand.

Que d'ane et de beu je sai Dans ce royaume de Gaule, Que d'ane et de beu je sai Qui n'en a rien pas tan fai." The surgeon, his wife and the vicar sang together: "Que d'ane et de beu je sai Dans ce royaume de Gaule, Que d'ane et de beu je sai Qui n'en a rien pas tan fai."

"And I who have been such a fa fai faithful wi wi wife, and brought you such a deal of mon mon money, and always stud stud studied your interests; many's the time when you have been fast asleep that I have sat up half the night men men mending the house linen; and you have not been the same man, Roger, since that boy came!"

"Its probable object is not altogether unknown to the one who stands before you," admitted Fa Fai, "and as a dutiful and affectionate daughter it has become a consideration with her whether she ought not to press forward, as it were, to a solution on her own account. . . . If the one whom I am addressing could divert his attention from the embellishment of the very inadequate claw of a wholly superfluous winged dragon, possibly he might add his sage counsel on that point."

During the afternoon Fai, the second prophet of Amon, was carried past the ruined quarter. He did not come to gloat over the spectacle of destruction, it was his nearest way from the necropolis to his home. Yet a satisfied smile hovered around his stern mouth as he noticed how thoroughly the people had performed their work.

I am sure Doctor Chantel will agree with me." "Ah, indeed," said the man in military blue, with a courtier's bow. Both air and accent were French. "Most welcome." "Let's all have a drink," cried Heywood. Despite his many glasses at dinner, he spoke with the alacrity of a new idea. "O Boy, whiskey Ho-lan suey, fai di!" Away bounded the boy marker like a tennis-ball. "Hello, Wutzler's off already!"