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So the punishment fell on the innocent as well as the guilty, on the Bahaites as well as the Ezelites. The Bahaites were put on board ship at Gallipoli. A full account is given by Abbas Effendi's sister of the preceding events. It gives one a most touching idea of the deep devotion attracted by the magnetic personalities of the Leader and his son.

It is impossible not to feel that this is far more probable than the view which makes Ṣubḥ-i-Ezel the custodian of the sacred writings and the arranger of a resting-place for the sacred remains. I much fear that the Ezelites have manipulated tradition in the interest of their party. To return to our narrative. From the first no indignity was spared to the holy prisoner.

Evidently there was great animosity between the parties, but, in spite of the Eight Paradises, it appears to me that the Ezelites were chiefly in fault. I do not mean to say that they were by any means the first persons in Persian history to venture on these abnormal actions. It is again Ṣubḥ-i-Ezel who is responsible for the disturbance of the community. But how should the Sultan discriminate?

It has also become much more credible that the thoughts of the Point were so much centred on Ṣubḥ-i-Ezel that, as Ezelites say, twenty thousand of the words of the Bayan refer to Ezel, and that a number of precious relics of the Point were entrusted to his would-be successor. But how can we venture to say that it is correct?