United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

There's a heap of them believe that no runaway hoss ever mauled the colonel ez HE got mauled." "But I heard it from the colonel's own lips," said the editor, "and HE surely ought to know." "He mout know and he moutn't, and if he DID know, he wouldn't tell," said the foreman musingly, rubbing his chin with the cleaner side of his arm. "Ye didn't see him when he was picked up, did ye?"

They hed the pneumonia, an' whoopin'-cough, an' croup; an' in summer, bein' a perverse set o' brats, 'Fambly' hed fever an' ager, an' similar ailments common ter the young o' the human race, the same ez ef 'Fambly' war folks!

"It 'minds me o' the time las' winter that the wind blowed the door in, an' straight arter that the cow died." "Them signs air ez likely ter take hold on folks ez on cattle," said Jacob Smith, half-sobered by the shock. There was a look of sudden anxiety on the face of Solomon's mother. She crossed the room to the youngster rocking in the cradle. "Come, Benny," she said, "ye oughter go ter bed.

De slaves wuz natur'ally superstitious en b'leeved in dreams, ole sayings en signs. "Dunno nuthin 'bout any ob de ex-slaves voting er de Nat Turner 'Bellion." "Atter freedum mos' ob de slaves wuk'd fer dere livin' jes as I ez. De men in de fiel's, de 'omen in de house.

"You see, Rosey," said Nott, complacently describing the interview to his daughter, "when I sorter intimated in a keerless kind o' way that sugar kettles and hair dye was about played out ez securities, he just planked down the money for two months in advance.

Abner's voice had risen to a tremendous crescendo of indignation, and he seemed on the point of quite forgetting his ironical affectation, when, with an effort which added to the effect, he checked himself and resuming his former tone and grin, he added: "I argyed with them fellers ez said them things bout ye.

"Them hills ain't so high," he said, "but they're high enough to shut out the winds o' winter, bein' ez they face the north an' west, an' here curves the creek atween 'em, through a gap not more'n ten feet wide. An' look how them big trees grow so close together, an' in a sort o' curve. Why, that's shorely whar Adam an' Eve spent thar winters.

Thet's as much ez they expect from ther Moon Valley Ranch, an' it goes inter ther running expenses o' ther ranch, anyhow, in ther charity account." "I don't care, I want to go." "I move we go," said Ben. "It will add some tone to the proceedings." "Ben wants to air his spike-tailed coat and low-neck vest," said Kit. "Not for me," said Ben, laughing.

"It's about ez good a place for a little talk, Miss Budd," he said, pointing to a tree root, "ez ef we went a spell further, and it's handy to the house. And ef you'll jest say what you'd like outer the cupboard or the bar no matter which I'll fetch it to you."

Parson, he looked half like ez ef he'd laugh once-t. When he had thess opened his book and started to speak, a sudden streak o' sunshine shot out an' the rain started to ease up, an' it looked for a minute ez ef he was goin' to lose the baptismal waters. But d'rec'ly it come down stiddy ag'in an he' went thoo the programme entire.