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She was scarcely eighteen years old, but her noble, pale countenance wore an expression of boldness and energy; her forehead was high, and vigorous thoughts seemed to dwell there. Large black eyes were flashing under her finely-arched eyebrows, which almost touched each other above her beautifully-chiselled, slightly-curved nose.

There, if you will give me a pencil I will draw you one of his eyebrows in a minute." She drew the eyebrow with masterly ease and rapidity. "Why, that is the eyebrow of Mephistopheles." "And so it is," said Grace, naïvely. "No wonder it did not seem human to me." "I am sorry to say it is human. You can see it in every convict jail.

They move through their sentences as delicately as Agag walked. Their little airs of nicety, their starched cadences and frilled phrases seem as if they had just been taken out of a literary bandbox. If perchance you happen to misplace an accent, you shall see their eyebrows curl up like an interrogation mark, and they will ask you what authority you have for that pronunciation.

"I mean that in America when two men pull their revolvers and go to shooting at each other, some one is killed frequently both. In Europe, as I understand it, a scratch with a sword ends the combat." "You have been misinformed," exclaimed Uncle Caspar, his eyebrows elevated. "Why, Uncle Caspar has fought more duels than he can count," cried the girl, proudly.

She raised her eyebrows, as though in surprise, and her recognition was of the slightest. She passed on and entered a waiting motorcar, accompanied by the two men. Tavernake stood and looked after it. She did not even glance round. Except for that little gesture of cold surprise, she had ignored him. Tavernake, scarcely knowing what he did, turned slowly towards the Strand.

They had the same bushy eyebrows, the same healthy colour in their cheeks, the same thick shoulders, and brisk way of speaking, and clear, sharp, though kindly, eyes; only Tom was cast in larger proportions than Andrew, and had gotten the grey furniture of Time for his natural wear.

He always awoke with alert mind and refreshed body. "What is it? Not " Gora nodded. "At two this morning. Alexina wouldn't let me call you " His wide masculine eyebrows met. It was correct to be angry and he was. "I never heard of such a thing " "She was not a bit overcome and wrote letters to her brothers and friends for at least two hours.

On the other side she saw him as she had found him in the first days of her consciousness of the world. He must have been "jolly" then, large and strong, laughing often, tossing her, she remembered, to the ceiling, his beard jet-black and his eyebrows bushy and overhanging. Once that vigour, afterwards this horror.

The latter lay in his chair, with half-closed eyes, pretending to doze. In reality he was watching every movement of the man next to him. The customer who occupied the second chair was a small, thin man, with sandy hair and a bony face. His eyes, rather prominent, under sparse red eyebrows, were closed as though in sleep.

It was not unlike fear. Instead of betraying the confusion or surprise he expected, Miss Castleton merely raised her eyebrows inquiringly. "What has that to do with me, Mr. Booth?" she asked. He laughed awkwardly. "Don't you know his work?" he inquired, with a slight twist of his lip. "I may have seen his pictures," she replied, puckering her brow as if in reflection. He stared for a second.