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Then we went afterwards to an exhibition of sixteenth-century portraits; perhaps the artists hadn't learnt to paint well, but at any rate the faces were utterly different from people of to-day. They seemed quite another type altogether not so intelligent or so interesting. We were tremendously struck with the difference." "It marks my point," said Miss Adams.

Listen to the headlines, 'Heroic Rescue, 'Young Lawyer Gives Remarkable Exhibition of Nerve, 'The Name of Lawyer Donaldson Mentioned for Carnegie Medal, 'Bravest Deed of the Year, 'Faced Death Unflinchingly." And the pitiful feature of it was that he must sit and listen to this undeserved praise from her lips.

But as the contrast between the matter and form is here in its proper place, and nothing can be more thoroughly opposite to the ludicrous form of exhibition than the most important and serious concerns of men, public life and the state naturally became the peculiar subject-matter of the Old Comedy.

There was no sentiment of ambition, rivalry, or triumph over my companions, nor feeling of satisfaction in receiving this honor in the presence of those assembled on the day of the exhibition. One thought alone filled my mind. "Now," said I, "my father will be satisfied with me."

XLIII. In his retreat at Capri , he also contrived an apartment containing couches, and adapted to the secret practice of abominable lewdness, where he entertained companies of girls and catamites, and assembled from all quarters inventors of unnatural copulations, whom he called Spintriae, who defiled one another in his presence, to inflame by the exhibition the languid appetite.

But not a few go through to the exhibition, and, after working harder than ever for the two or three last weeks of the term, they gain the much-coveted prize only to break wholly down when it is taken. The stimulus of desire for success is gone. That has sustained them up to the last moment.

You will think it strange of me, but I have been seeing you with your mother or nurse ever since you were a little girl of three or four and I a little older, and I have always been interested in you." Betty smiled, showing a dimple which sometimes appeared after an exhibition of temper of which she felt ashamed.

You then open the trap door and let down the glass in the groove slowly, and when you perceive the smoke diminish, draw up the glass, that the figure may disappear, and shut the trap-door. This exhibition will afford much wonder. The lights in the room must be extinguished, and the box should be placed on a high table, that the aperture through which the light comes out may not be seen.

The Juries of Selection for the different groups of the classification of the Department of Art, constituted from the membership of the Advisory Committees representing various sections of the country, met and acted during the last two weeks of March, 1904, in the city of New York, passing upon upwards of 4,000 works submitted for exhibition.

She questioned him about the new portrait he was to begin as soon as his arm would let him; and she tried to arouse his enthusiasm in the picture he had planned to show in the March Exhibition of the Bohemian Ten, telling him that she was sure his arm would allow him to complete at least one canvas to hang. In none of this, however, did Bertram appear in the least interested.