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Dalziel, too, it appeared, and Milly was only too glad of an excuse to escape from the the place where Captain March's society had been the first and only attraction for her. "Now that Tony's time is so dreadfully taken up," she said to her mother, "he can't give us any fun, or have any fun with us himself, so we might as well go away. Let's, dear!

Thrym had at length the curiosity to peep under his bride's veil, but started back in affright, and demanded why Freya's eyeballs glistened with fire. Loki repeated the same excuse and the giant was satisfied. He ordered the hammer to be brought in and laid on the maiden's lap. Thereupon Thor threw off his disguise, grasped his redoubted weapon and slaughtered Thrum and all his followers.

"Why have you hoisted your flag, Francois? That will only excite attention." "It is my birthday, Philip, and the flag is supposed to be raised in my honour. This will serve as an excuse for the assemblage of our friends, and the gathering of the tenants.

"Come, you must go down," said Ida to Mary, when the message was delivered. This is the third time Mr. Bender has called, and you have no excuse for not now seeing him. "By the way," she continued, as Mary said something about 'Billy, "don't call him Billy; we know him as Mr. Bender and Billy is so, so, " "So countrified," suggested Mary. "Yes, countrified if you please," returned Ida.

I don't mean that I excuse it, but that I understand it. And I think that Mark's dead body is in the passage now, and has been there since, say, half-past two yesterday afternoon. And to-night Cayley is going to hide it in the pond." Bill pulled at the moss on the ground beside him, threw away a handful or two, and said slowly, "You may be right, but it's all guess-work, you know."

"If you had no alternatives but starvation and domestic service, you would think there was harm in it, even although you were glad to take a servant's place?" I saw her flush, and she answered, haughtily, "You must excuse me if I refuse to imagine myself taking a servant's place, even for the sake of argument." "And you are quite right," I said.

She walked through all the rooms, humming and looking out of window; stopping in the drawing-room, she could not resist beginning to talk to Mishenka. "I don't know what you think of yourself, Misha," she said, and heaved a sigh. "Really, God might punish you for it." "What do you mean?" "You know what I mean. Excuse my meddling in your affairs.

"I don't know what to do about it," he said at last, utterly dejected. "You'd better go away," advised Mary. "It's the safest thing, and the most sensible." "But I've arranged to stay here three weeks more." "You must concoct an excuse." "I suppose you're right." "I know I am," said Mary, who was recovering all her firm self-possession. "You can't go on like this, can you?"

This appeal was made to the guide while he was in a most fortunate frame of mind to admit its force; for Mabel and her blandishments and constancy were becoming images familiar to his thoughts. The Tuscarora, though he could not trace the reason, saw that his excuse was admitted, and he stood with quiet dignity awaiting the next inquiry.

It's a risk to leave the house, as things are now but it's a worse risk still to stir another step in this matter in the dark. Excuse my being a little out of temper; I'm degraded in my own estimation I have let Rosanna Spearman puzzle me." When we got back, the servants were at supper.