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'Ah, my dear Lieutenant, I understood you were in Révonde, and took the advantage of your presence to put into effect a little plan which has been for some time in contemplation. I recollect having had the pleasure of meeting you not so long ago when you arrived in Maäsau. 'Nearly six years ago, your Excellency, replied Rallywood with a smile. 'I can scarcely believe it to be so long.

Pardon, Excellency, but I fell asleep. When I woke, your Excellency was standing by me, but the Princess and the two Englishmen had gone. That is all I know. "I believed that the man was telling me the truth. His fright had passed, and he was now apparently puzzled, but not alarmed. "'You must remember the names of the Englishmen, I urged. 'Try to think.

I, the Marquise Roberta of Grez and Bye, will accord to him an interview and in the language of this United States it will be 'some' interview!" With which resolve I turned to make an answer to the faithful Bonbon at the door. "Where awaits His Excellency, the Gouverneur Faulkner?" I questioned to him. "In the hall at the bottom of the steps," he made reply to me.

But His Excellency was so struck with the fierce gestures, and wild demeanour of the other, who held in his hand one of our hatchets and frequently tried the sharpness of it, that he determined to accompany him, taking with him Mr. Collins and his orderly sergeant.

It will depend upon your Excellency, therefore, to terminate the war."

Had His Excellency done so, no Japanese would have thought it anything beneath the highest human dignity, for they all recognised the value of that courage for Christ and His War which The General personified to them.

In the name of the Chinese Government, I have the honour to make the following declaration to your Government: "Hereafter, if foreign advisers or instructors on political, financial, military or police matters are to be employed in South Manchuria, Japanese may be employed first." I avail, etc., His Excellency, Hioki Eki, Japanese Minister. Reply

"The name of your Excellency is so very agreeable to this people," said they in a letter to the Earl, "as to give promise of a brief and happy end to this grievous and almost immortal war." The Queen was, or affected to be, still undecided as to the appointment.

"I have to thank your Excellency," the Seigneur said in a hasty nervous voice. "I fell on my shoulders that saved me. If I had fallen on my head I should have been killed, no doubt. My shoulders saved me!" he added, with a petulant insistence in his voice, a morbid anxiety in his face. "Most providential," responded the Governor.

Jim Todd and his prisoner to discover truth, Your Excellency," I said with a very firm determination as I looked straight into his sad eyes that had in them almost the look of shame for dishonor. "It's twenty-four hours on horseback across Old Harpeth from Springtown, boy. The trip would take three days. I can't do it with these guests here, even if they are robbers.