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Adams has shown that it is a mistake to attempt it. One only stretches himself out inviting evisceration in the effort. We decided if cornered either to dodge or to lie flat and feign death. So we practiced dodging, our running being more for the purpose of gaining endurance and to follow the bear if necessary.

When he writes of his conversion, like John Bunyan, he lets you see across the very sill of his soul. And he does it artistically. He is not conscious that art enters into the mechanism of this spiritual evisceration; but it does. St.

Analyze the qualities necessary to form a great criminal lawyer his various power of speech, his skill in the evisceration of facts, his tact and ability in arranging the best line of defence possible in the case, the skill in addressing the jury, and the skill, of a different sort, in addressing the court, his superior generalship in the conflicting and unexpected developments during a trial which threaten instant defeat, his fearlessness, and that perfect self-possession which not only conceals his own fears and weaknesses, but avails itself of the fears and weaknesses of others, and of that deep insight into human passions, penetrating far beyond the eye, or the ear, or the ordinary reason: count the attainments which such a man must possess to win supremacy in such a sphere, and we must assent to the general opinion which places supremacy in such a sphere one of the highest achievements of human intellect and character.

There are several cases on record in which extensive wounds of the abdominal parietes with protrusion and injury to the intestine have not been followed by death. Injuries to the intestines themselves have already been spoken of, but there are several cases of evisceration worthy of record.

One choice, however, is left in our power, and that is the most important of all, namely, the direction which revision shall take that of conservative and recuperative addition, or that of further evisceration, ceremonial or devotional."

This, it will be admitted, is carrying the matter as far as it will go; nor is there anything, down to the wiping of shoes or the evisceration of chickens, which may not be introduced in poetry, if this is tolerated.... Afterwards come some stanzas about an echo repeating a cuckoo's voice.... Then we have Elegiac stanzas "to the spade of a friend," beginning

The best that we can hope for through all the failures, the injustice, the disheartening damage to individual rights and interests, is a fairly good general result, enabling us to walk abroad among our fellows unafraid, to meet even the tribesmen from another valley without too imminent peril of braining and evisceration. Of that small security the Anarchist would deprive us.

In addition there was an abdominal wound 6 1/2 inches long, extending from the navel to about two inches above Poupart's ligament, causing almost complete intestinal evisceration. The lung was partially collapsed. The cartilages were ligated with heavy silk, and the hemorrhage checked by ligature and by packing gauze in the inter-chondral spaces.

Dickinson describes a woman, a tertipara, who had a most difficult labor and bore an extremely large child. She had been thirty-six hours in parturition, and by evisceration and craniotomy was delivered of a child weighing 16 pounds. Her first child weighed 9 pounds, her second 20, and her third, the one described, cost her her life soon after delivery.

What George was thinking was that the late King Herod had been unjustly blamed for a policy which had been both statesmanlike and in the interests of the public. He was blaming the mawkish sentimentality of the modern legal system which ranks the evisceration and secret burial of small boys as a crime. "What do you mean?" "You know what I mean." "I've a good mind to "