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In those cases where the suicide had left behind him clear evidence of the means by which he had committed the act, there was nothing to investigate; the others rich and poor alike, peer and peasant trooped out by thousands on the far journey, without leaving the faintest footprint to mark the road by which they had gone.

He stopped his work of collecting Murphy's few belongings as this possibility came into his brain. Had Murphy told? Beaten and kicked and facing death had he sought mercy by revealing who had the evidence against Cummings and Gibson? Or, had he passed into insensibility keeping it a secret? He heard footsteps approaching the room.

Only those who are unacquainted with the magnificent development of surgery that took place during the preceding century, the evidence for which is so abundantly given in modern historians of medicine and especially in Gurlt's great work on the history of surgery, from which we have quoted enough to give a good idea of the extent to which the movement went, are likely to accept any such declaration.

COUNSEL: He is dead, m'lud. JUDGE: Deposition? COUNSEL: No, m'lud. JUDGE: Strike out his evidence. Call Mary Magdalene. COUNSEL: She is dead, m'lud. But I shall show that she told the disciples JUDGE: What she told the disciples is not evidence. COUNSEL: Well, m'lud, I shall give the statements of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Matthew states very plainly that

That these parents, through crime, ignorance, indolence, carelessness, or misfortune, have failed in their work, is no certain evidence that we are to fail in ours.

I mention this case of the ravine chiefly because without the evidence of the marine shells in the sand, any one would have supposed that it had been hollowed out by simple alluvial action.

She sat down to think, her elbows on the desk in front of her, her chin in her hand, her eyes at the level of a line of books which stood on end. Chitty's Pleadings, Blackstone, Greenleaf on Evidence. Absently; as a person whose mind is in trouble, she reached out and took one of them down and opened it. Across the flyleaf, in a high and bold hand, was written the name, Stephen Atterbury Brice.

He had two days before taken equal pains in sifting the evidence on the other side. "I trust that my lord sees there can be no doubt as to the justice of our claim," the head man said humbly, as he prepared to mount again. "According to your point of view, there is no doubt about it, Childee; but then there is equally no doubt the other way, according to the statements they put forward.

"Dicky was absolutely innocent of any wrongdoing, but through a combination of circumstances of which I shall tell you, my husband had gathered a show of evidence which would have won him the divorce if it had been presented." "He bargained with me: I to give up all claim to the baby. He to withdraw Dicky's name, and all other charges except that of desertion.

Never was there greater surprise in town than when this train came into the station and the true situation became known. Officers were called to take charge of the prisoners in the car, but as nothing could be proved against them, except what Jack and Plum stated, and as their evidence was immediately discredited, the whole party went free, vowing vengeance against their captors.