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You are so good, I don't see how you can help it." "What is being a Christian, Eva?" "Loving Christ most of all," said Eva. "Do you, Eva?" "Certainly I do." "You never saw him," said St. Clare. "That makes no difference," said Eva. "I believe him, and in a few days I shall see him;" and the young face grew fervent, radiant with joy. St. Clare said no more.

Trevor's face she stopped suddenly, exclaiming, "Something is wrong! What has happened?" "You are right, Eva, something has happened something, my child, that will affect your whole life." With a falter in her voice the woman continued, "You are to leave me, Evelyne, and go out to New Zealand. You are needed in your father's house." "To New Zealand? I refuse to go."

I talked to him just as cool as a man could talk to anybody; we got along first rate until he burnt the check, and then, of course, it was all off. No it wasn't, not even then. As I stood in the door on my way out I offered him a thousand dollars. And he refused. And do you know why? I think he's got the notion that by sticking out he may win you and Eva over and get a partnership here."

Did he write an arithmetic? inquired Vava; and when Eva nodded, she added, 'Why, I use it at school! 'What accounts have you been making out? asked Stella in a friendly tone, for this last fact seemed a link between them as the daughters of literary men. 'Our new house and its expenses, announced Vava.

Here she hesitated; for from the adjoining room they heard a man's deep voice telling Els something in loud, excited tones. This interruption was welcome to the abbess; she had as yet found no answer to her niece's startling objection. Eva answered her questioning glance with the exclamation, "Uncle Pfinzing!" "He?" replied the abbess dejectedly.

"Very well; we're not sorry to hear it, are we girls? Let us pair off and go down at once to secure our fair share," said Rosie gaily. "There's just an even number of us Maud and Lora, Lulu and Eva, Grace and Rosie Lacey, Sydney and I. We're to have a table to ourselves; I asked mamma if we might, and she gave consent."

"Oh, Roy, something's sure to happen to him! He's awfully feeble." "And there's a train almost due," added Eva. "What can he be thinking of to attempt such a thing?" "Oh!" and Jess gave a shrill scream. "He's fallen!" Roy said never a word. He quickly passed his fishing-line to Eva, ran nimbly across the tree trunk to the Burdock side of the creek, and then started to climb the steep bank.

But Eva warned Locke in time. Whirling about, he made a full swing with the chair and caught the emissary full in the face with it. The man went down and stayed down. "Run quick as you can," panted Locke to Eva. "Get the car started." She was reluctant to leave him, and Locke saw that delay was dangerous.

"Oh, of course," pouted Eva, "Dorothy and Tom could not possibly have been beaten. They're such a strong team!" The others laughed, although Dorothy did not like the remark. Ned lifted his eyebrows thoughtfully, but never once smiled at Dorothy's triumph. "Tavia has the 'Booby," announced Tom, who had done all the measuring, "Now distribute the prizes, please."

Did the girl, who ventured upon so many things which ill-beseemed a modest maiden, intend to join the men? Eva forgot that she, too, would have hurried to the nuns had not her father prevented it. The countess was already standing in the courtyard. After Eva had given her a hasty glance she again looked for the maid, but Katterle had already vanished in the darkness.