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"And therefore, Monsieur," continued the mayor, "whether your friend lives or dies, tout a été fait en règle, et vous êtes libre." So saying, he bowed very politely, and pointed to the door; nor was I so ceremonious as to beg him to show me the way; out I ran, and flew to the apartment of Talbot, who had sent my servant to say how much he wished to see me. I found him in bed.

Arriving at Ticonderoga, Rogers cautiously approached the fort, till, about noon, he saw a sentinel on the road leading thence to the woods. Followed by five of his men, he walked directly towards him. The man challenged, and Rogers answered in French. Perplexed for a moment, the soldier suffered him to approach; till, seeing his mistake, he called out in amazement, "Qui êtes vous?"

"Monsieur," said the Countess, her eyes flashing as she spoke, "vous êtes un polisson! von rascal! von dem villain! un charlatan! von nasty bastely ross bif! dem dog!" and thereupon she curled her fingers and set her teeth on edge as though she would tear his very eyes out.

He was a correspondent of David Hume and of Mme. du Deffand, who always referred to him affectionately as "Mon petit Crauford"; in a letter in which she urges her desire that he should become more intimate with Horace Walpole, she writes, "Vous etes melancholique, et lui est gai; tout l'amuse et tout vous ennuie." Crawford was called the Fish at Eton, a name which clung to him throughout life.

He was beautiful, admirable, he admired her. "Fanny, is it true? You have come?" and "Que vous etes en beaute!" Within, a table was laid for three three chairs, three plates, three covers. He saw her looking at this. "We dine three to-night. You must condescend to dine with a sergeant. My old friend Where is Alfred?" "I am here." "My old friend four years before the war. The oldest friend I have.

But in the very midst of her sentence Kitty deserted her, left her standing in the centre of the drawing-room, while the deserter fled across it, and sinking down beside the astonished mademoiselle took the Frenchwoman's hand by assault and held it in both her own. "Vous parlez Français? vous êtes Française? Ah! ça me fait tant de bien! Voyons! voyons! causons un peu!"

"In our sinful days," the priest began smoothly, with a cup of tea in his hand, "faith in the Most High is the sole refuge of the race of man in all the trials and tribulations of life, as well as its hope for that eternal bliss promised to the righteous." Stepan Trofimovitch seemed to revive, a subtle smile strayed on his lips. "Man pere, je vous remercie et vous etes bien bon, mais..."

"Vous êtes fou!" he muttered to his nephew, and drove his paddle deep into the water. Day broke with staccato emphasis. The sun swung up out of Europe and burned down upon the canoe with a heat so equatorial in quality that Bennie discarded both his mackintosh and his sporting jacket.

I have brought a maid from Paris, a wonderful needle-woman." "You are exceedingly good, my dear. But, really, I haven't the conscience " "Haven't the conscience!" repeated Varvara Pavlovna, in a reproachful tone. "If you wish to make me happy, you will dispose of me as if I belonged to you." Maria Dmitrievna fairly gave way. "Vous êtes charmante," she said.

"Mon cher, vous etes triste comme un sermon," she did him the honor to say to him; indeed, gentlemen in his condition are by no means amusing companions, and besides, the fickle old woman had now found a much more amiable favorite, and raffoled for her darling lieutenant of the Guard.