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En Moliere y en Moratín no se encuentra un solo plan de esta especie: el poeta cómico no debe hacer hipótesis; debe sorprender y retratar a la naturaleza tal cual es; esta comedia hubiera requerido una mujer realmente enamorada, y que realmente hubiera hecho una locura, como en el Viejo y la Niña sucede; verdad es que entonces no hubiera podido ser dichoso el desenlace, y acaso habrá huido de esto el señor Gorostiza; éste era defecto del asunto, así como lo es también la aglomeración en horas de tantas cosas distintas, importantes, y regularmente más apartadas entre en el discurso de la vida.

He was thought to hold, he alone in England, the key of German and other Transcendentalisms; knew the sublime secret of believing by "the reason" what "the understanding" had been obliged to fling out as incredible; and could still, after Hume and Voltaire had done their best and worst with him, profess himself an orthodox Christian, and say and print to the Church of England, with its singular old rubrics and surplices at Allhallowtide, Esto perpetua.

Por Dios Sr. D. Pedro, que no logre yo el ver a usted...." ¡Ah, conque es un proyecto!... que luego me explicará ... y a fe que buena falta me hace ... y yo entre tanto sólo tengo que hacer ... poco ... muy poco es lo que tengo que hacer; no recibirle, encerrarme en mi cuarto para mayor seguridad ... la cosa no es difícil ... pero, y si tropiezo con él antes de que pueda ponerme al corriente ... entonces ... no le miraré a la cara, ahuecaré la voz ... y le volveré pronto las espaldas ... tampoco esto es muy difícil ... con todo no yo si podré ... y por otra parte me parece tan extravagante....

You must have a licence for me it must be paid for of course and then the day is not dishonoured. Besides panis es et esto. Here you have wine and bread with butter on it. More wine, boy!" The monk rose to go; the Prior seemed to wake to recollection. "What is your name, monk?" "My name is Martin, Master of Philosophy, from Wittenberg." "Yes, yes, thank you. But don't go yet! Give me your letter."

Would not the God Who had been justly offended in her, His vowed servant, that day, exact to the last tittle the penalty? She knew He would. Rosary ended, the thin, kind-eyed little elderly priest preached, taking for the text of his discourse the Introit from the Office of Quinquagesima. "Esto mihi in Deum protectorum, et in locum refugii, ut salvum me facias."

Io son fatta da Dio, sua merce, tale, Che la vostra miseria non mi tange Ne fiamma d' esto incendio non m' assale. In the tragic hour the soul is thus vouchsafed a deeper vision, discerns a remoter, serener, mightier ideal which henceforth it pursues unalterably, undeviatingly, as if swept on by a law of Nature itself.

In the autumn of 8 B.C. Maecenas, who had long been himself a sufferer, succumbed to the effects of his devoted and arduous service. His last message confided Horace to the Emperor's care: "Horatii flacci ut mei esto memor." But the legacy was not long a burden. The prophetic anticipations of affection that in death the poet would not be parted from his friend were only too faithfully realised.

Governor THOMAS O. MOORE, Baton, Rouge, Louisiana. Sir: As I occupy a quasi-military position under the laws of the State, I deem it proper to acquaint you that I accepted such position when Louisiana was a State in the Union, and when the motto of this seminary was inserted in marble over the main door: "By the liberality of the General Government of the United States. The Union esto perpetua."

And how will the Bishop make their participation free of this idolatrous kneeling? The Rhemists show us, that when they are eating and drinking the body and blood of our Lord, they adore the sacrament, and, humbling themselves, they say to it, Domine non sum dignus, Deus propitius esto mihi peccatori. 5.

Es tiempo de observar los resultados porque si estos resultados han sido perjudiciales al cuerpo social y político del país, nuestro deber es deshacer lo hecho y desandar lo andado. Nadie piensa afortunadamente en esto.