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I only had it made up last month. Do you like it?" Sarah answered that she thought it very pretty. But Esther could see that she was thinking of something quite different. "The race is over now. It's run at half-past two." "Yes, but they're never quite punctual; there may be a delay at the post." "I see you know all about it." "One never hears of anything else."

Mamie Magen sighed, and "Esther," she said, in a voice which must naturally have been rasping, but which she had apparently learned to control like a violin "Esther dear, if you could ever understand what offices have done for me! On the East Side always it was work and work and watch all the pretty girls in our block get T.

He had taken his hat from the peg. Esther got between him and the door. "I forbid it," she said; "I will not let you go perhaps to have a fight, and with that cough." William was coughing. He had turned pale, and he said, leaning against the table, "Give me something to drink, a little milk." Esther poured some into a cup. He sipped it slowly. "I'll go upstairs," she said, "for my hat and jacket.

Turveydrop is so sorry," said Caddy, "that he has not finished dressing yet and cannot have the pleasure of seeing you before you go. You are such a favourite of his, Esther." I expressed myself much obliged to him, but did not think it necessary to add that I readily dispensed with this attention.

Deborah was standing so very erect, with the basket of keys in her hands, and her mouth drawn down at the corners. "Master said this morning," began Deborah, grimly, "as how there was a new family coming to live here, and that I was to go to Miss Esther for orders.

She did not say she did not want to be Esther. Mrs. Sandford was astonished at the change of performers; but Daisy's resignation was so simply made and naturally, and Nora's acceptance was so manifestly glad, that nobody could very well offer any hindrance. The change was made; but Preston would not suffer Daisy to be one of the attendants.

And then he told her, speaking very quickly, how he had neglected to secure proofs of his wife's infidelity at the time; and as she had lived a circumspect although a guilty life ever since, the solicitor thought that it would be difficult to establish a case against her. "Perhaps she never was guilty," said Esther, unable to resist the temptation to irritate. "Not guilty! what do you mean?

"Dis lady," said the Baron, "is no longer known as 'Esther' so short! She is called Montame de Champy ein little estate vat I have bought for her " "Though you do things in such style," said the Comte, "these ladies are saying that Madame de Champy gives herself too great airs.

Silhouetted against the light were the heads of two women; the rough young head of yesterday's Esther, the lean outline and bugled cap of Esther's aunt. It was the latter who at the jingling of the doorbell rose from her work and came forward to serve the customer; but the girl, with much mute meaning in her eyes, and a finger laid upon her smiling mouth, followed behind.

Honeybone had already hurried off to greet her master; and when she was gone Mark looked at Esther, saw that her face was strangely flushed, and in an instant of divination apprehended either that she had already met the squire of Rushbrooke Grange or that she expected to meet him here to-night; so that, when presently a tall man of about thirty-five with brick-dust cheeks came into the close, he was not taken aback when Esther greeted him by name with the assurance of old friendship.