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"I never thought of that!" he said to himself. And now that the idea had come to him, he began to work out all sorts of possibilities. He thought of a hundred different things that might happen. He could see, all at once, the usefulness Bray Park might have. Why, the place was like a volcano! It might erupt at any minute, spreading ruin and destruction in all directions.

The sound was a short, heavy moan, as nearly as it may be described, and not a sharp rending note; a vast, deep groan, somewhere deep in the earth, as though a volcano were about to erupt. It was not over in an instant, but went on, like the suppressed lamentations of some creature trying to break its chains.

Fopling has often struck me as volcanic; who shall say that he will not some day erupt?" Bess was not to be frightened. "Mr. Fopling will do and say and think as I direct; and we shall be very, very happy." Richard gave Dorothy a comical look of simulated dismay; and shook his head as though counseling against such heresies. "Of course," Bess continued, "what I propose for Mr.

I heard a howl from the tank and the herd, who was the leader of the sneezers, and I told pa to come on, 'cause Vessuvious was going to erupt. Pa came on the run, just as he was, and then the worst happened.

Vaguely he felt that fire must be fought with fire and he all unaccustomed to handling that element. But he would rise to the necessities.... He stepped into Bonbright's room, keyed up to eruption, but he did not erupt. Nobody was there to erupt AT. Bonbright was gone.... Mr. Foote went back to his desk and sat there nervously drumming on its top with his fingers. He was not himself.

Deely laughed loudly. "And bursts out same as you! Quiet one hour like a mill-pond or a well, and then swhish, he's blazin'! He's a volcano in harness, that spalpeen." "He's a volcano that doesn't erupt when there's danger," responded Sibley. "It's when there's just fun on that his volcano gets loose. I'll go wait for him at the bank. I got a fellow-feeling for Mr. Kerry.

"I suspect it is the latter," he added. Theodora shook her head gayly. "It wouldn't be of any use, papa. We must bide our time. Allyn is queer, most mortal queer; but these may be the mutterings of genius, a volcanic genius that is getting ready to erupt." "I never regarded bad temper as a sign of genius." "Perhaps not. But, even if it isn't, thrashings only leave callous spots.

There's Vesuvius, and she isn't dead like Nero but a living demon, that may erupt any night, and give you a little red grave by the sea for your share." "She's not nearly through yet," laughed Edith, as Mae paused for breath.

At dusk on the night of September 18th the orange-groves began to erupt, and for eight hours horse and foot in orderly columns marched silently forward, the infantry to their battle positions and the cavalry to the beach between Arsuf and Jaffa, there to wait till the breach had been made.

I exclaimed, and sat down, waiting for the volcano to erupt. But she only laughed and sat down on a table, swinging her feet. "When you know me better, Minnie," she said, "you'll know I don't spoil sport. I happen to know you have somebody in the pantry moreover, I know it's a man. There are tracks on the little porch, my dear girl, not made by your galoshes.