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Yet he disappointingly failed to stir her pulses. She smiled with friendly derision. "Poor Clary! You don't look like a Vesuvius ready to erupt. You have such remarkable self-control." His smile met hers. "I can't go up and down the street ringing a bell like a town crier and shouting it out to everybody I meet." Round the corner of the house a voice was lifted in tuneless song.

This statement I found confirmed in the pages of the Estado Geografico: "On the fourth of January, 1641 a memorable day, for on that date all the known volcanoes of the Archipelago began to erupt at the same hour a lofty hill in Camarines, inhabited by heathens, fell in, and a fine lake sprang into existence upon its site.

"Whatever is going to happen?" cried Billy in dismay, at the animals' evident terror of some mysterious event that was about to transpire, and the now marked disturbance of the earth. As he spoke, the earth shook violently once more and a rumbling sound like subterranean thunder filled the air. "It's the mountain!" shouted the professor, who had been gazing about, "it's going to erupt."

He dared not erupt into the bushwhacker campsite, or could he? If Croff and Webb were now making their way to the heights above, ready to fire into the camp as they had planned, wouldn't that keep the men there busy and cover his own break into the valley? He heard firing again; this time the sound was ahead of him.

We are living the kind of life comparable to that of the people whose cottages are built round the edge of the crater of an active volcano, liable to erupt at any moment; or, to change the metaphor, our position bears a certain resemblance to that of the careless workman who smokes a pipe on the top of a barrel of blasting powder, and if we're not extremely careful we'll find ourselves scattered about in little bits, like the boy who stood on the burning deck.

I was best man at his wedding; and because he married a girl that understood, his house became more like a home to me than any other place that my wandering life has found. I saw its amazing architectural proportions erupt into the pride of Eastridge.

When that was done nothing remained but to go to work in front of my little tent and finish up my rough sketches. This is a very absorbing business, as every body knows who has tried it, and I was deeply into it when Zoega made his appearance. "Well, sir," said he, "what success? Did he erupt?" "Of course he erupted, Zoega.

"If this thing is really sick at the stomach, when will it erupt? I'd give a dollar and a half to just get out o' this, science or no science, notes or no notes at all!" "Patience, my dear boy," gravely spoke the little man of science, busily studying those eddying currents like one seeking a fairly safe method of extrication from peril.

He was about to step forward to face the end of his dilemma when an unlooked-for movement occurred between him and the illuminated laundry front. It was the movement of a shadowy figure which seemed, at first sight, to erupt from the earth itself.

To sum up. There is a problem of the Mines. No sensible person should be deceived by the quiescence of the last twelve abnormal months. Without using extravagant language, the coal-mining industry is a volcano liable at any moment to erupt and involve the whole community in loss and suffering.