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On the subject of the alleged longevity of Irish Saints Anscombe has recently been elaborating in 'Eriu' a new and very ingenious theory. Somewhat unfortunately the author happens to be a rather frequent propounder of ingenious theories. His explanation is briefly the use and confusion of different systems of chronology.

This stimulating of the imagination is perhaps the best gift that a revived interest in the old native romance of Ireland has to bestow. REFERENCES: The originals of many of the Tales of the Cuchulainn cycle of romances will be found, usually accompanied by English or German translations, in the volumes of Irische Texte; Revue Celtique; Zeitschrift für Celt. Phil.; Eriu; Irish Texts Society, vol.

Patrick went subsequently, and arrived at Rome; and sleep came over the inhabitants of Rome, so that Patrick brought away a sufficiency of the relics. These relics were afterwards taken to Ard-Macha with the consent of God and with the consent of the men of Eriu.

At the southern cross, in Aenach-Macha, it was that four chariots were brought to Patrick; at the northern cross, moreover, it was that God manifested to him the form he will have in the Day of Judgment. And he went in one day to Comur-tri-nuisce. He left Sechnall in the episcopacy with the men of Eriu until the ship would come which would bear him from the shore of Letha.

A woman that died of ague; she was brought across the sea to Eriu, and the child was born after death; and seven days, it is said, it lived in the tumulus. Patrick baptized him; and he is Bishop Olcan, of the community of Airther-Maighe, in the district of Dal-Riada. And Mac Nisse; of Condere, read his psalms with Patrick. . . . Patrick received welcome in the district from Erc's twelve sons.

After the foundation, then, of numerous churches; after the consecration of monasteries; after baptizing the men of Eriu; after great abstinence and great labor; after destroying idols and images; after degrading numerous kings who would not obey him, and raising up those who obeyed him; and after he had three hundred and fifty or three hundred and seventy bishops; and after ordaining three thousand priests and persons of all other orders in the Church; after fasting and prayer; after showing mercy and mildness; after gentleness and sweetness towards sons of life; after the love of God and his neighbor, he received the body of Christ from the bishop, from Tassach; and he afterwards resigned his spirit to heaven.

"There is," answered the angel; "the great sea to come over Erinn seven years before the Judgment; and depart from the Cruachan." "I will not depart," said Patrick, "since I have been tormented, until I am gratified." "Is there anything more you demand?" asked the angel. "There is," answered Patrick; "that Saxons may not occupy Eriu, by consent or force, whilst I shall be in heaven."

Patrick replied: "My debroth, truly," said Patrick, "sons of life will come after me, and I wish they may have honor from God in the country after me." The angel responded: "That is manifest. And God gave all Eriu to you," said the angel, "and every noble that will be in Eriu shall belong to you." "Deo gratias," said Patrick.

What was brought were the relics of three hundred and sixty-five martyrs, and the relics of Peter and Paul, and Lawrence, and Stephen, and of many more; and a cloth in which was the blood of Christ and the hair of the Virgin Mary. Patrick left this collection in Armagh, according to the will of God, of the angel, and of the men of Eriu. His relics the relics of Letha were stolen from Patrick.

After these great miracles, therefore i.e., after resuscitating the dead; after healing lepers, and the blind, and the deaf, and the lame, and all diseases; after ordaining bishops, and priests, and deacons, and people of all orders in the Church; after teaching the men of Eriu, and after baptizing them; after founding churches and monasteries; after destroying idols and images and druidical arts the hour of death of St.