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Nam contra totus in eo eram ut aliquid certi reperirem . Nor is it less distinct in its motives and final aim, than in its proper objects, which are not as in ordinary scepticism the prejudices of education and circumstance, but those original and innate prejudices which nature herself has planted in all men, and which to all but the philosopher are the first principles of knowledge, and the final test of truth.

His. 1, 16: dignus eram; 3, 22: ratio fuit; and Z. 518, 519. Such is the interpretation, which after a thorough reinvestigation, I am now inclined to apply to this much disputed passage. It is that of Ritter. Besides the authority of Rit., Doed., Freund and others, I have been influenced by a regard to the usage of Tacitus, which lends no sanction to a transitive sense of cursare. Cf.

Ever since, my chief residence has been at Cambridge. I am an universal favourite with both graduates and under-graduates. I have reformed my life and my manners, and have become the quiet, orderly person you behold me. Age tames the fiercest of us "'Non sum qualis eram. "Betsy, bring me my purl, and be d d to you.

They will endeavour to make their lillapee of a superior savour to what our cooks in days of yore could do for us. And although, as Partridge says, "non sum qualis eram," I shall certainly use my best exertions, while with us, to render your time agreeable. Your sincere and old friend, Washington, March 14, 1802. Your letter of the 1st, postmarked the 3d, was received last evening.

You smile at my enthusiasm, Sallust! better be hopeful in chains than resigned to their glitter. You tell me you are sure that I cannot enjoy life in these melancholy haunts of a fallen majesty. You dwell with rapture on the Roman splendors, and the luxuries of the imperial court. My Sallust "non sum qualis eram" I am not what I was!

"Well, but Black George?" cries Jones. "Well, sir, as I was saying, it was a long time before he could recollect me; for, indeed, I am very much altered since I saw him. Non sum qualis eram. I have had troubles in the world, and nothing alters a man so much as grief. I have heard it will change the colour of a man's hair in a night.

"Dandæus, dandæus verbum erat," says his Riv'rence, O, the dear man, but it's himself that was handy ever and always at getting out ov a hobble, "dandæus verbum erat," says he, "quod dicturus eram, cum me intherpillavisti." "Ast ego dico," says the Pope very sharp, "quod verbum erat dandy." "Per tibicinem qui coram Mose modulatus est," says his Riv'rence, "id flagellat mundum!

In Le Dépit Amoureux is the exquisite scene of the quarrel and reconciliation of the lovers. In this fine scene, though perhaps but an amplification of the well-known ode of Horace, Donec gratus eram tibi, Molière consulted his own feelings, and betrayed his future genius.

While speaking Farnsworth leaned near Father Beret and grasped his arm. The young man started, for his fingers, instead of closing around a flabby, shrunken old man's limb, spread themselves upon a huge, knotted mass of iron muscles. With a quick movement Father Beret shook off Farnsworth's hand, and said: "I am no Samson, my son. Non sum qualis eram."

"And are you," said Allworthy to Partridge, "the servant of Mr Jones?" "I can't say, sir," answered he, "that I am regularly a servant, but I live with him, an't please your honour, at present. Non sum qualis eram, as your honour very well knows."