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There are hundreds of them. There are men in every city who have seen better days, men of education and business ability, who envy the mechanic, who has a sure support for himself and family in his handicraft. Parents make a great mistake when they impose upon the brain of their boy the task of supporting him, without preparing his hands for emergencies.

For there are odd, mingled moments in the lives of most scholars and saints like Renan in his queer envy of Theophile Gautier when such men inevitably ask themselves whether they have not missed something irreplaceable, the student, by his learning the saint even, by his goodness. Here now was "Miners' Row."

Who would be a sweep or a chaperon, were all roads free? Who is it succeeds in escaping the law of the hive? The loafer, the tramp. On the other hand, who is the man we respect and envy?

If I'd only thought of it," growing more and more enthusiastic "I might have got a pair of fowls ready to send in to-day. Never mind, I'll be ready another time!" And from that chance word of Bella's began what they later on laughingly called 'Aunt Emma's Poultry Farm. Charlie and Margery watched the proceedings that Saturday morning with eyes full of envy and longing.

He studied it closely, not having seen it before. Then he looked up at the Doctor, whose face was again like a mask. "Your ?" A lift of the eyebrows finished the question. Dexter nodded, with assumed carelessness. There was another long pause. "Sometimes I envy you," said Thorpe, laying the picture down carefully, "you have had so much of life and joy.

And to do it for fun, from spite I could not either, not because I am afraid of the ridiculous I cannot be afraid of the ridiculous but because I have, after all, the habits of a gentleman and it disgusted me. But if I had felt more spite and envy of them I might perhaps have joined them. You can judge how hard it has been for me, and how I've struggled from one thing to another. "Dear friend!

I envy the Turks for their sedentary constitutions, which seem no more to require exercise than an oyster does or a toad in a stone. In this respect, I am by disposition as true a Turk as the Grand Seignior himself; and approach much nearer to one in the habit of inaction than any person of my acquaintance.

"La, Mother," observed the stout lady, "but are you certain it was the last of April? I had been thinking it was some time in June. And I protest it could not have been all of thirty years. Let me see now, Sylvie, how old is your brother Richard? Twenty-eight, you say. Well, Mother, I always said you had a marvelous memory for things like that, and I often envy you.

I became more attached to the latter, and this irritable man, who, by his asperities, provoked so many to quarrel with him, was with me full of gentleness and cordiality. Other distinguished characters likewise became attached to me, and I returned all their regard. Neither envy nor calumny had the least influence over me, or I felt it only from persons who had not the power to injure me.

Living in the delightful solitude he has chosen near Florence, his time is passed in reading, reflecting, and writing; a life so blameless and so happy, that the philosophers of old, with whose thoughts his mind is so richly imbued, might, if envy could enter into such hearts, entertain it towards him. Landor is a happy example of the effect of retirement on a great mind.