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Russell was gone; the gallant Upton was wounded; Colonel Elright, of the Third division, was dead, and many, many brave boys were lying with their blackened faces to the sun, a slip of paper or a letter envelope pinned to the breast of each to tell the buriers his name and regiment.

Send him with three or four men." "Yes at once. Shall I take a message to the house?" Radowitz spoke very gently. The red-gold of his hair, and his blue eyes, were all shining in the strange light. But he was again as pale as Falloden himself. Douglas drew out a pencil, and a letter from his pocket. He wrote some words on the envelope, and handed it to Radowitz. "That's for my mother's maid.

He gave her the telegram. It was for Austin. Her heart beat. She went into the house with the yellow envelope containing Dick's destiny and mounted to the little room off the first landing which had been Austin's private study since his boyhood. She knocked. Austin's voice bade her enter.

"Here's a letter for you, John," Mrs. Templeton exclaimed, entering the room at that moment. John Martin took it from her, and tore open the envelope curiously. It was a handwriting he did not know, and did not like its characteristics were sinister. "I knew it!" he cried; "I knew the fellow was a scoundrel. What the deuce do you think he has the impertinence to do now?" "He!"

'Only these telegrams, she said, in apology. 'Lakelands on fire? Dartrey murmured to Nesta; and she answered: 'I should not be sorry. Nataly coldly asked her why she would not be sorry. Dartrey interposed: 'I'm sure she thinks Lakelands worries her mother. 'That ranks low among the worries, Nataly sighed, opening the envelope.

She entered the shop and stood in the middle of the floor, for neither the mistress of the establishment nor the milliners who were working behind the counter seemed to think that the ragged little girl required any attention. Finally Perrine decided to hold out the envelope containing the order that she held in her hand. "What is it you want, little girl?" demanded Madame Lachaise.

Patrick Anderson, at Hay These. The seal, a stag no bad emblem of a wild cateran. It appears from the envelope that Rob Roy still continued to act as Intelligencer to the Duke of Argyle, and his agents. The war he alludes to is probably some vague report of invasion from Spain.

"Much alarmed, feeling that he must have been violating some supreme order, and comprehending it all, he went to his cousin's writing-table, opened it, and successively searched every drawer, and soon found an envelope fastened with five seals, and addressed to him. He broke them and read as follows, written on a sheet of black-edged paper: "'This is my only will.

He conversed in passing with several pretty market girls, and chucked them under the chin. “Ho, ho!” thought I. On breaking the seal of the envelope of the papers I had given him, he said, “I find all perfectly in order.

If you ever come to Philadelphia call upon me at No. 1492 Walnut Street." "Thank you." As Rodney left the house he felt that his ill fortune had turned, and that a new prospect was opened up before him. He stepped into the Windsor Hotel, and opened the envelope last given him. It contained five five dollar bills.