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G. C. F. Hayne, another employee, became a partner. This is an excellent custom, and we are glad to see so many of our heavy merchants acknowledging the integrity and ability of their clerks in the same way. Mr.

The owners of properties, mines and factories, should share their incomes with their employees, and give a fairly certain percentage of their profits to their workingmen, in order that the employees should receive, besides their wages, some of the general income of the factory, so that the employee may strive with his soul in the work. Bequest and Inheritance

President Jessup's error in selecting an employee had cost him ten thousand dollars in salary. Besides this was the still larger sum in expenses, in wasted effort, and in the disorganization of his entire factory and selling force as the result of the introduction of a man who did not belong there. His mistake was due to two fundamental errors.

I thought of course he'd introduce me to the strike leaders, and he tells me he doesn't know one of them. Perhaps you know them," she added, with sudden inspiration. "I'm only an employee at Strike Headquarters," Janet replied, stiffening a little despite the lady's importuning look which evidently was usually effective. "You mean the I.W.W.?" "Yes."

When each man loves his neighbour as himself all rights will be safeguarded the rights of employees, the rights of employers and the rights of the public that important third party that furnishes the profits for the employer and the wages for the employee. Ambition has been a disturbing factor in government. The ambitions of monarchs have overthrown governments and enslaved races.

"I was putting up a fence about my yard, and employed a man of whom I knew something, that he was industrious, temperate, and that he had a wife and children to support, a worthy man, a native New Englander. I engaged him, I say, to dig some post-holes. My employee bought a new spade and scoop on purpose, and came to my place at the appointed time, and began digging.

It would seem to be so self-evident that maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with maximum prosperity for the employee, ought to be the two leading objects of management, that even to state this fact should be unnecessary.

The specialization of our modern mechanical civilization has caused a submergence of the individual into the group or class. Man is fast ceasing to be the unit of human society. Self-governing groups are becoming the new units. This is true of all classes of men, the employer as well as the employee.

Myra Nell's ready acquiescence was a shock to Norvin, arguing, as it did, that these people regarded the Countess Margherita as an employee. Could it be that they were so utterly blind? He was allowed little time for such thoughts, however, since Myra Nell set herself to the agreeable task of unmasking her lover and confounding Montegut La Branche.

Pierre was another employee of the printing house, Adolphe's comrade in his study of the mysteries of Paris streets, and now his rival. They were both in love with the same girl, the fifteen-year-old daughter of the keeper of 'La Prunelle' Café, and her favor was often the prize of the morning's game. "Now and then this rivalry between the two young Parisians would drop into a hand-to-hand fight.