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My father had directed my attention to the subject by putting in my hands a sketch of the life and works of Lope de Vega, by Lord Holland. The story of La Estrella de Seviglia appeared to my father eminently dramatic, and he excited me to choose it for the subject of a drama. I did so, and Messrs.

Plants, therefore, in spite of their eminently pacific appearance are engaged in a fierce struggle with one another for standing-room. And animals are likewise engaged in a struggle among themselves for the plants. There is competition among the roots of the different individual plants for the food and water of the soil. And there is competition among the leaves for the sunlight.

An elderly man with a strong Glasgow accent came next, accompanied by a homely, kindly-looking wife. Across from them sat a bowed old man, wearing a clerical collar with his tweed coat, and a thin, weedy-looking youth, evidently his son. An eminently staid and respectable company, but hardly of thrilling interest!

And how great is the responsibility of those who thus speak to the ear of the simple and the unlearned! how terrible the retribution they are heaping up for themselves in the great hereafter, for thus prostituting talent which might be made eminently useful in leading the minds of the common people to the highest and noblest of truths; in making purer and better in every sense of the word!

His Majesty's anger was without bounds; and in the interval so fraught with anxiety and apprehension to me, when I knew that a considerable party in the palace judges, magistrates, and officers about the person of the king regarded me as an eminently proper person to behead or drown, he condescended to accuse me of abstracting a book that he chanced just then to miss from his library, and also of honoring and favoring the British Consul at the expense of his American colleague, then resident at Bangkok.

The very fact that of all arts architecture a social art above all had attained the highest development, is significant in itself. To be what it was, it must have originated from an eminently social life.

Never had a young and ambitious woman a beauty and a genius a finer moment for the commencement of her power. It was Constance's early and bold resolution to push to the utmost even to exaggeration a power existing in all polished states, but now mostly in this, the power of fashion! This mysterious and subtle engine she was eminently skilled to move according to her will.

For the phenomena in question may be of an eminently modifiable character; insomuch that innumerable circumstances are capable of influencing the effect, although they may all do it according to a very small number of laws.

It was true that he wanted but one woman superlatively; but it was eminently Grifone's maxim that, failing that which you need, you should take that which you can get. The last stage in the education of Molly, Amilcare found must positively be left to the Secretary. On the night before Duke Cesare's arrival, when every other preparation had been made, Grifone came into his master's room, late.

This has been eminently the fate of the monarchy of France. There have been times in which no power has ever been brought so low. Few have ever flourished in greater glory. By turns elevated and depressed, that power had been, on the whole, rather on the increase; and it continued not only powerful but formidable to the hour of the total ruin of the monarchy.