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But, in reality, he was self-taught and self-formed, on the lines of an Evangelical tradition, which had owed something, a couple of generations back, among his Danish forebears, to the influence of Emanuel Swedenborg. This tradition had not only been conveyed to him by a beloved and saintly mother; it had been appropriated by the man's inmost forces.

And then came the moment when Sarah Swetnam could no longer suffer the silence; and she began, very cautiously: "I suppose you've heard all about Andrew and Emanuel Prockter?" Helen perceived that she had not been mistaken, and that the scene was at hand. "No," said she. "What about them?" "You don't mean to say you've not heard?" "No. What about?" "The quarrel between those two?"

"The original plan I have to propose to you, then, is taken from the French, just like the original dramas above mentioned; and, indeed, I found it in the law report of the National newspaper, and a French literary gentleman, M. Emanuel Gonzales, has the credit of the invention.

The Duke of Savoy was one of the boldest of his warlike race; and the Italians had great hopes of him as one great enough to drive the barbarians out of Italy. But nearly three centuries more were wanted to raise his family to the magnitude of a national purpose; and Carlo Emanuel spent his greatness in disputes with the petty princes about him.

He loosed his fingers from his friend, and opened the door. Mr. Emanuel Prockter stood on the doorstep. Mr. Emanuel Prockter wore a beautiful blue suit, with a white waistcoat and pale gold tie; yellow gloves, boots with pointed toes, a glossy bowler hat, a cane, and an eyeglass. He was an impeccable young man, and the avowed delight of his tailor, whose bills were paid by Mrs. Prockter.

Nevertheless, the unforeseen came to pass. For at the end of the polka Helen fainted on the grass; and not Andrew but Emanuel was first to succour her. It was a highly disconcerting climax. Of course, Helen, being Helen, recovered with singular rapidity. But that did not lighten the mystery. In the cab, going home, she wept. James could scarcely have believed it of her.

The whole Gospel and the Epistles of John, are a virtual confutation of this reigning error and no less is the Apocalypse whether written by, or under the authority of, the Evangelist. The unhappy effect which St. On the nature of our Lord's future epiphany or phenomenal person, I am not ashamed to acknowledge, that my views approach very nearly to those of Emanuel Swedenborg. Ib. p. 121.

From the Duke of Urbino and Prince Charles Emanuel of Savoy, however, he received generous treatment; but a fatal spell carried him back a third time to Ferrara. His arrival by an unfortunate coincidence happened to be on the very day that Margaret Gonzaga, daughter of the Duke of Mantua, was to come home as the third bride of Alfonso.

"'Nay, nay, Pauline, I says, 'You don't catch Emanuel Pyecroft mine- droppin' under any post-captain's bows, I says, 'in search of honour, I says. 'I've been there oft. "'Well, if you must, you must, 'e says, takin' me up quick. 'But I'll speak a good word for you, Pye. "'You'll shut your mouth, 'Op, I says, 'or you an' me'll part brass-rags. The owner has his duties, an' I have mine.

In his great speech at the American Theatre in San Francisco, after his election by Oregon to represent her in the United States Senate, he had aroused the people to a sense of shame, that, as he said: "Here, in a land of written Constitutional Liberty it is reserved for us to teach the World that, under the American Stars and Stripes, Slavery marches in solemn procession; that, under the American flag, Slavery is protected to the utmost verge of acquired territory; that under the American banner, the name of Freedom is to be faintly heard, the songs of Freedom faintly sung; that, while Garibaldi, Victor Emanuel, every great and good man in the World, strives, struggles, fights, prays, suffers and dies, sometimes on the scaffold, sometimes in the dungeon, often on the field of battle, rendered immortal by his blood and his valor; that, while this triumphal procession marches on through the arches of Freedom we, in this land, of all the World, shrink back trembling when Freedom is but mentioned!"