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Dragging her violently on deck, they were about to cast her into the sea, when Buzzby, who stood with his hands bound, suddenly burst his bonds and sprang towards her. A blow from the butt of a pistol, however, stretched him insensible on the deck. "Where is my husband? my boy?" screamed Mrs. Ellice wildly.

Ellice, and Charles Buller Carlyle's only pupil; but the great man himself had left an hour before I got there. I often met him afterwards, but never to make his acquaintance. Of course, I knew nothing of his special friendship for Lady Ashburton, which we are told was not altogether shared by Mrs.

That Ellice is now a miserable woman, I have no doubt; for truly: 'Quien se casa por amores, ha de vivir con dolores. Of course you understand Spanish?" "No, sir; but no matter; I take it for granted that you intend some thrust at my mother, and I have heard quite enough." "Don't know Spanish?

"Then I hope," Ellice said between her clenched teeth, "I hope she is ugly, ugly as sin!" "I think," said Constance gently, "that you are very silly and foolish!" Yet when the morrow came it was Ellice and not Constance who sat beside John in the trap, and was driven by him the six odd miles to Starden. For Constance had one of "her headaches."

On the beards of negroes, Vogt, 'Lectures, etc. p. 127; Waitz, 'Introduct. to Anthropology, Engl. translat. 1863, vol. i. p. 96. In the Ellice group all the inhabitants belong to the same race; yet on one island alone, namely Nunemaya, "the men have splendid beards"; whilst on the other islands "they have, as a rule, a dozen straggling hairs for a beard." Dr.

As China passed it with her duster the perfume caught her attention; she peeped within, and the gleam of the oranges tempted her vision; she gazed at them as did Eve at the apples; she took one in her hands, and thrust it to her nose; she said to herself, "My dear Miss Ellice would have given me some of these; Miss Rusha is too mean for human; perhaps she would never miss one; if she did, how was she to know who took it?" and thrusting the orange in her pocket, she finished hastily her work, went out of sight and sound, and feasted upon the coveted dainty.

Buzzby went forward, but the captain's heart failed him, and he took two or three rapid, hesitating turns on the quarter-deck ere he could make up his mind to speak. "Alice," he said at length abruptly, "yonder vessel is a pirate." Mrs Ellice looked up in surprise, and her face grew pale as her eye met the troubled gaze of her husband. "Are you quite sure, Frederick?" "Yes, quite.

But there was nothing fearsome about the Rundle who faced little Ellice Brand. There was a smile on the man's lips, in his eyes a look of intense gratitude. Ragged and disreputable person that he was, he would have lain down and allowed this little lady to wipe her feet on him, did she wish it. "How is Snatcher?" "Fine, missy!" he said. "Fine fine!" His eyes glistened.

Those in the other category might possibly keep aloof. For my part I feared her patronage. I remember when I was about seventeen a self-conscious hobbledehoy Mr. Ellice took me to one of her large receptions. She received her guests from a sort of elevated dais. When I came up very shy to make my salute, she asked me how old I was. 'Seventeen, was the answer.

Such a man was Probyn, who dwelt on one of the low atolls of the Ellice Islands. He had landed there one day from a Sydney sperm whaler with a chest of clothes, a musket or two, and a tierce of twist tobacco; with him came a savage-eyed, fierce-looking native wife, over whose bared shoulders and bosom fell long waves of black hair; with her was a child about five years old.