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One day brought two pair of carriage horses, and a pair of Arabs for riding; the next, a train of carriages; a week after came the lady herself; and all Rome English and American Rome most especially was eager to see her. There was an Englishman in her train, people said. Of course, there was always some one elle en mange cinq comme ca tous les ans, remarked a Frenchman.

Belgrade est en Rascie, et elle appartenoit au despote, mais depuis quatre ans il l'a cédée au roi de Hongrie, parce qu'on a craint qu'il ne la laissât prendre au Turc, comme il a laissé prendre Coulumbach. Cette perte fut un grand malheur pour la chrétienté. L'autre en seroit un plus grand encore, parce que la place est plus forte, et qu'elle peut loger jusqu'

Oh if you'd trust me a little more you'd see that I'm quite at one with you on all the changes for the worse. I bear up, but I'm old enough to have known. All the same Mrs. Brook has something say what you like when she bends that little brown head. Dieu sait comme elle se coiffe, but what she gets out of it! Only look." Mr.

'Je avait grande envie envers elle, avec vrai amour et passion'. Thence home and to my office till one in the morning, setting to rights in writing this day's two accounts of Povy and Taylor, and then quietly to bed. This day I had several letters from several places, of our bringing in great numbers of Dutch ships. 10th.

"Elle brillait surtout par le caractère," says Waliszewski, whose volumes, collecting most of what is known about Catharine, I have freely consulted. It is only natural that her biographer should regard her as a strikingly complex and exceptional being. Nous sommes tous des exceptions. Yet she is not essentially different from the "woman of character" you may meet in every street.

"Then I am wrong after all," said I to myself. "Has she a husband, sir?" "Pardonnez-moi, elle est veuve, mais elle a un petit garcon de cinq ans, beau comme un ange." "That is she," said I, again reviving. "Is she a French woman?" "Du tout, monsieur, elle est une de vos compatriotes; et en est un fort joli exemplaire."

"Elle est bien habillee, La ville de Cambrai; Marafin l'a pillee..."* * The city of Cambrai is well dressed. Marafin plundered it. He did not finish.

But here happened the best instance of a woman's falseness in the world, that her sister Doll, who went for a bottle of wine, did come home all blubbering and swearing against one Captain Vandener, a Dutchman of the Rhenish Wine House, that pulled her into a stable by the Dog tavern, and there did tumble her and toss her, calling him all the rogues and toads in the world, when she knows that elle hath suffered me to do any thing with her a hundred times.

He went into the cottage, however. "Elle Pa voulu" he felt a stab at his heart and again he became oblivious of everything, even of the fact that he had gone into the cottage. It was a light and fairly clean peasant's cottage, with three windows and two rooms; not exactly an inn, but a cottage at which people who knew the place were accustomed to stop "on their way through the village.

Oh, la d'moiselle, comme elle est sot-te, Eh, je me moque de sa sot-ti-se! Eh, la d'moiselle, comme elle est be-te, Eh, je m'ris de sa be-ti-se!" She sang this impromptu nonsense prestissimo as she danced out of the room, leaving the accomplished Dorothy vexed and perplexed at not having understood a single word.