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"Ah, count, that was never to be referred to. Be content with my brain and sword. And then, there is the old saying, Give a man an ell, and look to your rod. We are all either jackals or lions, puppets or men behind the booth. I am a lion." He rose, drew his saber half-way from the scabbard, and sent it slithering back.

This seemed to Patty a line of conversation distinctly to be discouraged under all the circumstances, and she tried to keep Cephas on the subject of his daily tasks and his mother's rheumatism until she could escape from his over-appreciative society. "How do you like my last job?" he inquired as they passed his father's house. "Some think I've got the ell a little mite too yaller.

'Yes! cried Crass, fiercely. 'Why don't you answer the bloody question? Wot's the cause of poverty? 'What the 'ell's the matter with the present system? demanded Sawkins. 'Ow's it goin' to be altered? said Newman. 'Wot the bloody 'ell sort of a system do YOU think we ought to 'ave? shouted the man behind the moat. 'It can't never be altered, said Philpot.

The Doc he always smiles and twinkles his eyes so merry like when he sounds me chest. I'm thinkin' of havin' it turned inter a risin' sun. Me troop thinks it is an 'ell of a good joke, an' I reckon it would be too if it was on some one else's chest. Them b Manchesters!"

"Especially when they ought to be orficers. Go to 'ell!" Doggie, who had suffered much in the army, but had never before been taunted with being a dilettante gentleman private, still less been consigned to hell on that account, leapt to his feet shaken by one of his rare sudden gusts of anger.

"The Wilkinsons over at Todfoot have had their house broken into now," Mrs. Brown was saying. "All her jewellery gone. They think it's a gang. It's just the villages round here. There seems to be one every day!" William expressed his surprise. "Oh, 'ell!" he ejaculated, with a slightly self-conscious air. Mr. Brown turned round and looked at his son.

Now Horace protests that every commonly decent marriage of her acquaintance costs Lady Katrine at least a sad headache; but Miss Stanley's marriage, likely as it is to be so happy after all, as he politely said, foredooms poor Lady Katrine to a month's heartache at the least, and a face full ell long."

"'Well, 'ere's a go! he cried dropping half a cup of boiling coffee down another chap's neck, as 'is smile broadened, 'it's a 'ell of a time since I struck you. "I saw the dawn of recognition on his ugly mug; and I could have guessed to a word the joyful expressions of welcome that were springing to his lips." McNab paused.

"To 'ell if you like," he replied. Then struck with curiosity, he inquired, "Where do you want to go to? This pillar ain't a leaning post." Perhaps, however, they are the same; at any rate, there is an angel in both of them." The policeman stared at him but could find no fault with the perfect sobriety of his appearance.

But Bailey declined to come in. He declared he was going on to the blacksmith's shop to have that wheel fixed. He would not feel safe to start for home with it as it was. He drove off, and Miss Dawes, knowing from lifelong experience that front doors are merely for show, passed around the main body of the house and rapped on the door in the ell.