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It is, in fact, stated, that it was of enormous size, hooked in the middle, covered with warts, and of a mulberry colour like an egg-plant; it hung down two fingers' length below his mouth, and the size, the colour, the warts, and the bend of it, made his face so hideous, that Sancho, as he looked at him, began to tremble hand and foot like a child in convulsions, and he vowed in his heart to let himself be given two hundred buffets, sooner than be provoked to fight that monster.

The small egg-plant I took up certainly did weigh twenty pounds, and when I attempted to lift the basket the handle bent double; but why this should frighten a man like Marcel, or provoke him to anger, is as inexplicable as it is surprising. He is pacing up and down the hall in a state of the wildest excitement; and I, with man's truest comfort, tobacco, am left to my meditations.

For months habituated to neat little bits of chop or poultry, garnished with the inevitable cauliflower or potato, which seemed to be the sole possibility after the reign of green peas was over; to sit down all at once to such a carnival! to such ripe, juicy tomatoes, raw or cooked; cucumbers in brittle slices; rich, yellow sweet-potatoes; broad lima-beans, and beans of other and various names; tempting ears of Indian-corn steaming in enormous piles; great smoking tureens of the savory succotash, an Indian gift to the table for which civilization need not blush; sliced egg-plant in delicate fritters; and marrow- squashes, of creamy pulp and sweetness; a rich variety, embarrassing to the appetite, and perplexing to the choice.

The following is Gregory's list of varieties: Livingston's Beauty, Alpha, Acme, Canada Victor, Arlington, General Grant. I will add Trophy and Mikado. If a yellow variety is desired, try Golden Trophy. If the tomato needs warm weather in which to thrive, the egg-plant requires that both days and nights should be hot.

Pour over 1/4 cup of melted butter and the juice of 1/2 lemon and a beaten egg. Then cover with the dough and let bake until done. Serve hot. Greek Stuffed Egg-Plant. Parboil the egg-plant and cut in half. Scrape out some of the inside and chop some cooked lamb, 2 green peppers, 1 onion, and 2 tomatoes. Then mix with a beaten egg, 1 tablespoonful of butter, salt and pepper to taste.

Now I sat down all at once to a carnival of vegetables, ripe, juicy tomatoes, raw or cooked; cucumbers in brittle slices; rich, yellow sweet potatoes; broad Lima-beans, and beans of other and various names; tempting ears of Indian corn steaming in enormous piles, and great smoking tureens of the savory succotash, an Indian gift to the table for which civilization need not blush; sliced egg-plant in delicate fritters; and marrow squashes, of creamy pulp and sweetness: a rich variety, embarrassing to the appetite, and perplexing to the choice.

Some of the individual shrubs are greatly prized; one being called the "egg-plant," growing in a deep gully between two hills, and nourished by water which trickles from the precipice. Another is appropriated exclusively to the imperial use, and an officer is appointed every year to superintend the gathering and curing.

Moisten with 1 quart of chicken broth, season to taste and let simmer until the chicken and mutton are very tender; then add 1 pint of hot oysters and the juice of 1/2 lemon. Let all get very hot and serve on a platter with fried egg-plant. Irish Beef Rolls. Chop some fat beef with 1 onion and 2 sprigs of parsley.

But next morning the body of one of these highly esteemed branches of the egg-plant was found in the corner, partly devoured. Quonab examined the headless hen, the dust around, and uttered the word, "Mink." Rolf said, "Why not skunk?" "Skunk could not climb to the perch." "Weasel then." "Weasel would only suck the blood, and would kill three or four."

Every Malay, from the poorest fisherman along the mangrove-fretted lagoon to the chef of his Highness's kitchen, justly boasts of the excellence of his curry and the number of sambuls he can make. First came a golden bowl filled with rice, as white and as light as snow; then another, in which was a gravy of yellow curry powder, choice bits of fowl, and plump, fresh slices of egg-plant.