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At the door of the hotel they found Elias waiting. He stood forth and greeted the Emîr quite unabashed, convulsed with laughter at the latter's cold amazement. "You thinkin' of that business in the garden? Neffer fear, sir! That was all a dam' bad joke of that briest-fellow, Mîtri I'll be efen with him yet, by Jingo! all to pay me out because I neffer gif him nothing when he bless my house.

"Your biscuits are always delicious, Daisy." "An' me and John wants to go to the movies, Miss Mary. An' efen the supper is late." "You can leave the dishes until mornin', Daisy." Mary smiled and sighed as she went on with Fiddle to her own room. The good old days of ordered service were over. She went into the parlor bedroom. It was the one which she and Fiddle occupied.

"If the firm has hard luck " said Heinzman. "Exactly," finished Newmark. "Vy you come to me?" demanded Heinzman at length. "Well, I'm offering you a chance to get even with Orde. I don't imagine you love him?" "Vat's de matter mit my gettin' efen with you, too?" cried Heinzman. "Ain't you beat me out at Lansing?" Newmark smiled coldly under his clipped moustache.

I ton't tink we are all cuilty or gorrubt, and efen among the rich there are goodt men. But gabidal" his passion rose again "where you find gabidal, millions of money that a man hass cot togeder in fife, ten, twenty years, you findt the smell of tears and ploodt! Dat iss what I say. And you cot to loog oudt for yourself when you meet a rich man whether you meet an honest man."

Law is ze science by vich a man who has money do as he tam please and snap his finger so! and shrug his shoulder so! and say, 'You not like it? Vat I care, Monsieur? and by vich ze poor man, vedder he guilty or not, haf no single chance, not von, to escape. I haf not efen ze two huntret tollaire zat gif me my liberty till ze trial come."

If, madam," Zimmermann went on with all the satisfaction attendant on the enunciation of a scientific truth, "we take a body and drop it in the schrund of this gletscher; and the ice-stream moves so slower at its base than on the upper part, and the ice will cover it; efen if we could reach the base, which is a mile in depth. Then, see you, it is all caused by the motion of the ice "

"Ducks!" repeated the negro, grinning at the queerly dressed children in their round straw hats. "Name o' de Lawd! What do you all want wif ducks?" Lovey Mary explained. "Wouldn't a kitten do jes as well?" he asked kindly. "I want my ducky," whined Tommy, showing signs of returning storm. "I don' see no way 'cept'n' gwine to de mahket. Efen you tek de cah you kin ride plumb down dere."

"Vy, I vould not efen ride in an outer-mobile, yet, so vy should I go in von contrivance vot is efen more dangerous? No, I gomes to your fader in der carriage, mit mine old Dobbin horse. Dot vill not drop me to der ground, or run me up a tree, yet! Vot?" "Very well," said Tom, "only hurry, please."

You may become more famous in history fan Cleopatra or Ninon, and outshine t'em and all t'e ot'er beauties t'at efer lifed. Do you vant triumphs? Here t'ey are. Riches? You shall command t'em. Fame? Power? I haf t'em for you. You shall be t'e first. Aftervard, v'en beauty is common as ugliness is now ah, I do not know. Efen t'en it vill be a blessing.

"Yess, monsieur, I ran avay avay from Paris avay from France I t'ought efen of going to Amérique." "Was she so bad as all that?" asked Rushford, sympathetically. For answer, Pelletan went to the statue of Saint Geneviève, lifted it, and took from beneath it a photograph. "T'is iss she, monsieur," he said, and handed the photograph to Rushford. The latter took one look at it and passed it back.