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These Sunday school people will have a nice time, and do a great amount of good, if the fish continue to bite, and they can go home with their hearts full of the grace of God, their stomachs full of fish, their teeth full of bones; and if they fall out of the boats, and their suspenders hold out, they may catch a basin full of eels in the basement of their pantaloons.

"I never could have thought that these snakes or eels, for they seem to partake of the character of the latter, would have wound themselves round the prey they seized.

I saw the poor beggar against the sky as plain as I see you, which I don't " for darkness cut the speech short. "Where be you, William? says the keeper." "Here I be, sir, says the beater, with my 'eels above my 'ed." "Wery well, William; when you get your 'ed above your 'eels, gae on." "But I'm stuck fast between two stones! Hang the stones!"

It's used to the process by this time, no doubt, like eels to skinning; and as Hudibras says, However tender it may be, 'Tis passing blind where 'twill not see. If she'd only have taken ME, now, who knows but I might in time have risen to be a Prebendary or even a Dean?

And arter that she stopped at a place Poplar way, where there was a few swings and roundabouts and things. She was as skittish as a school-gal, and arter taking pore Sam on the roundabout till 'e didn't know whether he was on his 'eels or his 'ead, she got 'im into a boat-swing and swung 'im till he felt like a boy on 'is fust v'y'ge.

Almost every day in the autumn and early winter some of them appeared with eels and fish, glad to exchange them for little trinkets. But the two interpreters endeavoured to make the Indians believe that the things given them by the French were of no value, and Donnacona did his best to get the Indian children out of the hands of the French.

The water-holes abounded with jew-fish and eels; of the latter we obtained a good supply, and dried two of them, which kept very well. Two species of Limnaea, the one of narrow lengthened form, the other shorter and broader; a species of Paludina, and Cyclas and Unios, were frequent.

Lamperns, unlike eels, come into the rivers to spawn, and go back to the sea later or to the brackish waters. Men employed in scooping gravel out of the river at Hammersmith, lately noticed numbers of lamperns coming up on to the gravel-beds at low-water, and moving the gravel into little hollows, previously to dropping their spawn.

Indeed, as the eels get accustomed to skinning, so I got used to all this; and it became at last an old habit, and bearable. "Thus I went on from 1846 until 1850. I need not repeat how thoroughly I was sustained and comforted by the assiduity of one of the best of women. I tried to thank her by making light of my many miseries.

Ram Lal figuratively washed his hands in invisible water. "Running water, passing silently, leaves no story behind, Sahib," he said, simply. "We have not caught our eels yet. But they are both coming back into our eel pot." And as the days dragged on Alan Hawke beguiled the time with the most energetic inroads into Justine Delande's heart.