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I have not met with any notice of one of these MAN-LIKE APES of earlier date than that contained in Pigafetta's 'Description of the Kingdom of Congo,* drawn up from the notes of a Portuguese sailor, Eduardo Lopez, and published in 1598.

It was evident, therefore, that Benito had indeed lost no time, and that his alarm had met with instant response. "Now tell me, who did it?" Benito flung his hands high. "God knows! Some enemy, of course; but Don Eduardo had many." "Not that sort of enemies. There was nobody who could wish to kill him." "That is as it is." "Haven't you any suspicions?" "No, señor." "You say Mrs. Austin is gone?"

This small but select mansion has been inhabited for some years by Mr. Eduardo Lucas, well known in society circles both on account of his charming personality and because he has the well-deserved reputation of being one of the best amateur tenors in the country. Mr. Lucas is an unmarried man, thirty-four years of age, and his establishment consists of Mrs.

Henri Fournaye only returned from a journey to London on Tuesday last, and there is evidence to connect her with the crime at Westminster. A comparison of photographs has proved conclusively that M. Henri Fournaye and Eduardo Lucas were really one and the same person, and that the deceased had for some reason lived a double life in London and Paris. Mme.

In despair we disposed ourselves under a huge tree by the roadside to await the arrival of Eduardo. I believe it was some two hours afterward that he came, just as we were going to cast lots as to who should devour the other. Right glad were we to substitute the appetizing lunch soon spread for us in true picnic style, and full justice did we show it.

DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Yo, que tengo la culpa de todas las desgracias de usted! DON EDUARDO. Pero qué remedio.... DOÑA MATILDE. No, jamás se realizará tan terrible separación ... si es cierto que usted me quiere.... DON EDUARDO. ¿Lo duda usted todavía? DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Desheredado por ! ¡Y yo he podido, Dios mío, desconocer un instante tanto mérito! DON EDUARDO. ¡No llore usted, por mi vida, Matilde mía!

"Shall I tell you who these men were?" asked Sorillo. "One is Don Eduardo Crawford; the others stand here," and he pointed to the prisoners. "Listen to your accomplice, Felipe Montilla, if you care to hear the story repeated." Again Lureña gave his evidence glibly. I think he had no sense of shame, but only a strong desire to save his life.

Eduardo Lucas was so well known and popular that his violent and mysterious fate will arouse painful interest and intense sympathy in a wide-spread circle of friends." "Well, Watson, what do you make of this?" asked Holmes, after a long pause. "It is an amazing coincidence." "A coincidence!

The blood mounted into the man's face as he said, "I will remember." Then he added in quick, eager tones, "Are you the son of Don Eduardo?" "He was my father." At that the man bent again and kissed my hand, saying, "Señor, he was our best friend. He loved our people, and when he was killed there was much weeping in the villages of the Indians." "He gave his life for you," said I slowly.

DOÑA MATILDE. No decía yo eso, sino que tanta precipitación ... estas cosas, Eduardo, necesitan siempre pensarse algo. DON EDUARDO. ¡Al revés Matilde! estas cosas, si se piensan algo no se hacen nunca ... porque ... ya ve usted ... a cada paso ocurren nuevas dificultades.