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The others were either blind, or had withered legs, which obliged them to creep about on their hands and knees, or they had shrivelled arms and hands without fingers. It was indeed poverty arrayed in rags. "Eccellenza, miserabili!" they exclaimed, stretching forth their diseased limbs. The hostess received the travellers with bare feet, untidy hair, and a dirty blouse.

From Tomb of Giulinto de' Medici. Michelangelo Cf. Crowe and Cavalcaselle, op. cit. vol. i. p. 127, note 4. Eccellenza della Statua di S. Giorgio di Donatello: Marescotti, 1684.

Were my own brave son here, he would ask no other fortune for the lad than such counsel and aid as a poor man has a right to bestow on his own flesh and blood." "He fareth no worse than others; and thou knowest that the Republic hath need of every arm." "Eccellenza, I saw the Signor Giacomo land from his gondola, as I entered the palace."

"Eccellenza, with a thousand welcomes," Benedetta continued, as she placed the flask on the table, after having carefully removed the cotton and the oil with her own plump hand; this being one of half a dozen flasks of really sound, well-flavored, Tuscan liquor, that she kept for especial occasions; as she well might, the cost being only a paul, or ten cents for near half a gallon; "Eccellenza, a million times welcome. This is an honor that don't befall the Santa Maria degli Venti more than once in a century; and you, too, Signor Podest

How far from the nearest land? Mention that fact, by all means, if you happen to remember." "Well, eccellenza, could the distance be measured, now I would think it would prove to be about as far not quite, S'nore, but, I say, about about as far as from the said Giacomo's largest fig-tree to the vines of Giovanni, his wife's cousin. Si I think, just about that distance."

Were your master alive, he would say you were in your dotage! Take my message to the countess at once." The old man's face paled and his lips quivered he made an attempt to draw up his shrunken figure with a sort of dignity as he answered "Eccellenza, my master would never speak to me so never, never!"

The dark Tuscan eyes, keen and clear the moment before, flashed brightly and then grew humid. "Eccellenza, you have only to command! I was a soldier once I know what duty means. But there is a better service gratitude. I am your poor servant, but you have won my heart. I would give my life for you should you desire it!"

"A doctor has been sent for, of course?" "Yes, eccellenza. So Giacomo said. But " "But WHAT?" I asked, quickly. "Nothing, eccellenza! Only the old man said the doctor had come too late." My heart sunk heavily, and a sob rose in my throat.

"Yes, Eccellenza, when those fools the honest men are asleep, we are wide awake." "Oh, Rinaldo, all I possess shall be yours; we will share my treasure like brothers; I would give you everything even to my Duchy " "Eccellenza, procure from the Pope an absolution in articulo mor- tis. It would be of more use to me in my walk of life." "What you will.

I said. The Sicilian looked embarrassed. "Ebbene! we must all change," he answered, lightly, evading my glance. "The days pass on each day takes a little bit of youth away with it. One grows old without knowing it!" I laughed. "I see," I observed. "You think I have aged somewhat since you saw me?" "A little, eccellenza," he frankly confessed.