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The stalwart Abe took Calhoun in his arms as if he had been a child, and carried him to the carriage. “Now, Abe, remember and do just as I told you,” said Joyce. “Yes, Missy, I ’member ebberyting.” She went to the side of the carriage, arranged the pillows and comforts around Calhoun, and then gave him her hand. “Good-bye,” she whispered; “may God keep you safe.”

Seems ter me ole Mahs'r'd be kind o' glad ter see Nimbus at his funeral, fer all I wan't no gret fav'rite o' his'n. He wa'nt sich a bad marster, an' atter I bought Red Wing he use ter come ober ebbery now an' agin, an' gib me a heap ob advice 'bout fixin' on it up. I allus listened at him, tu, kase ef ennybody ever knowed nex' do' ter ebberyting, dat ar man wuz ole Marse Potem.

I nebber know'd noting wusser," replied Rais, with a look of sleepy exasperation. "Beats ebberyting. Been five-an'-twenty 'eer in de kontry, an' nebber seed de like." "Seed the like!" echoed the seaman. "Did ye saw 'em when ye was aslape?" "Feel um, then," replied the other sulkily; "yoos too purtikler." "Suppose we goes an' has a whiff?" suggested Flaggan, leaping to the ground.

"So, atter a while, we sent a flag o' truce, an' 'greed ter s'render ebberyting, on condition dat dey wouldn't hurt us no mo'. Jest ez quick ez we gib up dey tuk us all pris'ners. Dar was twenty-sebben in de squad I wuz wid. 'Long a while atter dark, dey tuk us out an' marched us off, wid a guard on each side. We hadn't gone more'n two or t'ree hundred yards afo' de guard begun ter shoot at us.

Den he tole me how Abram went down into Egyp' wid his cousin Sarer, an' ole Pharaoh wanted to marry her, an' Abram he purtended dat Sarer was his wife, so Pharaoh shouldn't get her leastways, it was sumfin' like dat an' how de Lord bressed 'em, an' how when dey cl'ar'd out ob Egyp' dey stole 'bout ebberyting Pharaoh had; an' dat John Brown had done tole him to be anudder Fader Abram; an' I promised him I'd be anudder Sarer to him, an' we'd pull de wool ober de white folks's eyes, an' serbe de Lord till it done pleased Him to set us free."