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He was not an ambitious hunter, and rarely pushed far into the solitudes of the wilderness in search of moose or other big game. A coon hunt was to him the climax of all fun. It was chiefly with a hope that his comrades might enjoy some novel entertainment of this kind that Cyrus made his first stoppage at Uncle Eb's camp, purposing to sojourn there for a few days. He was not disappointed.

Tessibel's fingers turned upward and closed over his, and they stood thus a moment, Waldstricker contemplating them through half-closed lids, one corner of his mouth superciliously curled. "You haven't told me where you were going to take her," Deforrest insisted. Bitter anger rose in Eb's throat.

Then I'll get the keys to your cells, never shall it be said of Despard D'Auvigny that he deserted his friends in misfortune! A regular jail-delivery, what? The destruction of the Bastille was nothing to this! And we'll carry Eb's head on a pike." "What!" exclaimed Mr. Daddles, "I never thought of that! Do you suppose the keys to our cells are upstairs?

"Send someone fer powder," answered Wetzel. "Do you think it possible," said Silas quickly, a ray of hope lighting up his haggard features. "There's plenty of powder in Eb's cabin. Whom shall we send? Who will volunteer?" Three men stepped forward, and others made a movement. "They'd plug a man full of lead afore he'd get ten foot from the gate," said Wetzel.

"So I understand," and the girl smiled. "Ye heard what was said, eh?" "Certainly. I'm not deaf." "Sure, sure. Me temper got the best of me to-night. But I couldn't help it, fer that boy did more'n stir me up. Guess he's cooled down now, though I'm mighty surprised that he knuckled under so soon. It's not a bit like Eb's way, let me tell ye that."

Her an' Flo do all right thar, but me an' Eb feel more at home on the water, with no women buttin' in." "Is Flo your daughter?" "Sure. An' Eb's me son. Jist the two, so I named this craft after 'em, ye see, Eb an' Flo sounds about right to my way of thinkin'. When yer boatin' on this river ye have to be allus considerin' the ebb an' flow of the tide, so the name is quite handy."

Phil was obliged to return to Greenville; and he declared that now he must surely start his nephews homeward, for Royal expected to graduate from the High School during the following year, and to let him waste more time from study would be questionable kindness. Joe Flint of course would go back with his party. And here Cyrus paid Uncle Eb's fees for guiding, and dismissed him too.

Never a sound did he make as he crossed the clearing, passing the clump of bushes behind which Cyrus and Neal had lingered on the previous night to hear Uncle Eb's song. Owing to his Indian footwear, silently as the gliding redskin himself he entered the woods at a point where he saw a tree with a fresh notch carved in it.

At the store we got some crackers and cheese, tea and coffee, dried beef and herring, a bit of honey and a loaf of bread that was sliced and buttered before it was done up. We were off in the woods by nine o'clock, according to Uncle Eb's diary, and I remember the trail led us into thick brush where I had to get out and walk a long way.

'Nuts 'n' raisins! Hope exclaimed, scornfully. 'Nuts 'n' raisins, he repeated. 'They're cheap 'n' satisfyin'. If ye eat enough uv 'em you'll never want anything else in this world. I failed to see the irony in Uncle Eb's remark and the suggestion seemed to have a good deal of merit, the more I thought it over. ''T any rate, said Uncle Eb, 'I'd git somethin' fer my own selves.