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The naturalist had sold the business, and was going down into the country to live with a sister there. After leaving them Frank drove to the residence of Sir James Ruthven in Eaton Square. Frank sent in his name and was shown up to the drawing room. A minute later the door opened with a crash and his old schoolfellow rushed in.

Eaton saw Grant, and in the course of conversation very tactfully brought to Grant's notice the designs of his would-be friends. "We had," writes Eaton, "been talking very quietly, but Grant's reply came in an instant and with a violence for which I was not prepared. He brought his clenched fists down hard on the strap arms of his camp chair, 'They can't do it.

"That'll make it all right and proper. The fact is, I must have a rest and change before the winter. I hardly ever get away, as you know. And Evelyn would like to have me. I think I must go." "Of course you must go," Anne said. And Adeline went. At the end of the first week she wrote: 12 Eaton Square. November 3d, 1915.

Sir George Grey, another of the ministers, came to see us to-day and Lord Mahon. Your father and I have been all the morning looking at houses, and have nearly concluded upon one in Eaton Square. We find a hotel very expensive, and not very comfortable for us, as your father is very restive without his books about him. Mr. Harcourt also came to see us to- day.

"It might work, and again it might not." "Well, there ain't no harm tryin'. Fix up a good advertisement and put it in all the papers Dutch, Italian, French and Irish. The babies are all kinds." By the time they arrived at the big house in Brookvale Drusilla was very much interested in her new scheme. "No," she said firmly to Dr. Eaton when he intimated that he must leave; "you ain't goin' now.

But the last supplementary chapter in the Romance was due to his fainting desire for more revelation, a chapter which my father and mother looked upon as entirely useless, and British. 13 EATON PLACE, WEST, March 6, '60. DEAR MRS. HAWTHORNE, I cannot but affectionately thank you for your remembrance of me, and your patience with my note.

His wife, familiarly known as Aunt Olive Eaton, died about 1844 or 1845, at a very advanced age, he having died many years before. They brought up several of their nephews and nieces, having no children of their own, William Holmes, father of Isaac Holmes, being one of them. Elder Emanuel Northrup, a Baptist minister, settled on the farm now owned by his grandson, Isaac Northrup, about 1794.

It seems that we are all wrong in a world where a Great Master whose teaching we are supposed to follow said, 'Suffer the little children to come unto me, when we allow them to be turned into little machines, unloved and uncared for. Oh, Miss Doane, you've got a great chance. Take it!" Drusilla frankly wiped the tears from her eyes. "Dr. Eaton, you almost make me cry. But where'll I put 'em?"

Eaton calls them, Miss Doane? It's dreadful. He calls them the 'decayed gentle ladies' refuge." The doctor flushed. "Daphne " "Do you?" queried Drusilla, interestedly. "Why?" "Well " the doctor said rather apologetically, "perhaps I shouldn't; but most of the settlements that I know are filled with workers who are charming women, too good to be stenographers or clerks or housekeepers.

There is no direct information in the Letters as to the reason of this nomadic existence, the only headquarters of which appear to have been the residence of Mrs Arnold's father, the judge, in Eaton Place, with flights to friends' houses and to lodgings at the places of inspection and others, especially Dover and Brighton.