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"Away to the east'ard, ain't it, Andie? the fellow with jibs down?" spoke up Billie Hurd, who was a bit proud that he too could pick her out at such a distance. "So it is, ain't it?" said Mel, and he began to tell our troubles in the dory. "'Twas him near ran over us last night remember, Joe? Leastways, it looked like Hollis's new one's quarter goin' by.

Call the gang and make sail stays'l and balloon everything we'll go home, I guess." Clancy snapped the pipe out of his mouth and hove it over the rail. Then he went for the forec's'le gangway. In two jumps he was there. "Up, you loafers on deck and make sail. 'To the east'ard, says the skipper, and over the shoals we'll put her to-night." "Home!

Then with the wind about two p'ints on the starboard quarter we went bilin' along for the boat which we seen standin' off shore just to the east'ard of the P'int. There were a pretty bubble of a sea on, and afore we gits to him he goes about standin' in to the bay and givin' sheet.

When the door swung open a moment later it closed on the first officer a square, thick-set, round-headed man, with mild blue eyes set in a face framed by a half-circle of reddish-brown whiskers, the face tanned by twenty-five years of sea service, fifteen of them with Captain Bogart. "Getting soapy," he said; "wind haulin' to the east'ard. Goin' to have a nasty night."

"When I came here with my party the ice was not there; it was far off yonder." He pointed to the eastward. "Just so," returned the Captain, with a satisfied nod, "that confirms my opinion. You see, boys, that the coast here trends off to the East'ard in a very decided manner.

"Well, this here is a rummy go," exclaimed the gunner, after looking from face to face for the counsel that there was not. "Let's see, my lads; it was just about here as he went forrard, warn't it?" "No," growled Tom Tully; "it were a good two-score fathom more to the east'ard." "Nay, nay, lad; it were a couple o' cables' length doo west," said another.

He took five thousand in gold coin; the messenger says it was railroad money that the company were sending down to Bakersfield to pay off with. It was in a bag. He never touched the registered mail, nor a whole wad of greenbacks that were in the safe, but just took the coin, got on his horse, and lit out. The engineer says he went to the east'ard." "He got away, did he?"

"I don't like it a bit," said he, speaking across the raft to his companion. "It helps us to get east'ard, that's true; but it'll help them as well and with that broad spread o' canvas they've rigged up, they might come down on us faster than we can row." "Could we not rig a sail too?" inquired the boy. "Don't you think we might, Ben?" "Just the thing I war thinkin' o', lad; I dare say we can.

If we'd been driving her going to Iceland that time we'd have had the stays'l and balloon to her and she'd have gone right along with them, too." Mrs. Miner looked around at her yachting friends to see if they were getting all that. "There was one day that passage it blew a bit," exclaimed Clancy. "And that was the day we thought we saw a fellow to the east'ard.

But the lighthouse shakes worst just the gales begin to take off and when the swell rolls in heavy from the east'ard." "Ay, that's the time," quoth Joe. "W'y, I've 'eard all the cups and saucers on the dresser rattle with the blows o' them heavy seas, but the gale is gittin' to be too strong to-night to shake us much." "Too strong!" exclaimed Ruby. "Ay.