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Fink then give me forty dollars, and ses he, 'That a'n't all; for I have so much business now, I want a pardner, and I'll take you, and give you one third of the earnin's. I rather guess I snapped at the offer; and we is goin' into pardnership to-morrer." "Success to you," said Marcus and the inventor together.

Ah, don't answer me! Don't stain yer soul with anny more falsehoods! Money's what's irkin' ye the girl's earnin's. They're more t' ye than her happiness, and a good home, and a grand husband!" Then to Johnnie, "Wee poet, won't ye wink a bright lash at the Father who loves ye? or me heart'll split in two pieces!"

I always was a dressy woman in them days, and Lisha give me his earnin's real lavish, bless his heart! and I went and spent 'em on my sinful gowns and bunnets." Here Mrs. Wilkins stopped to give a remorseful groan and stroke her faded dress, as if she found great comfort in its dinginess. "It ain't no use tellin' all I done, but I had full swing, and at fust I thought luck was in my dish sure.

"When I told him that most generally out behind the barn, and under the apple trees and gambrul ruff, wuz crouchin' the monster that had sapped the life out of the hum the bloated, misshapen form of a mortgage at six per cent, and that old, insatiable monster had devoured and drinked down every cent of the earnin's that the hull family could bring to appease it with

"All the girls do." "I'd hire out then, Miss Daisy, while you don't want me I'd be right smart and I'd bring all my earnin's to you regular. 'Deed I will! Till Miss Daisy want me herself." I felt my cheeks flush. She would bring her earnings to me. Yes, that was what we were doing. "Clar, Miss Daisy, do don't leave me behind!

"All i' good time for that, Seth; I'll think about that when I'm a-goin' to settle i' life; bachelors doesn't want such heavy earnin's. Happen I shall do the coortin' an' the religion both together, as YE do, Seth; but ye wouldna ha' me get converted an' chop in atween ye an' the pretty preacher, an' carry her aff?" "No fear o' that, Ben; she's neither for you nor for me to win, I doubt.

I b'lieve, vriends, ye'll call it gude when a young man zends the third o' his earnin's week by week to help his parents. That's what my zon did, vrum the taime he left whome. An' presunts never a month went by, but zome little gift ud come by the postman; an' little 'twas he'd got to live 'pon, at the best, the dear lad " The farmer was passing back the photograph. "May I see it?"

"It would open its snappin' old jaws and swaller 'em all down, and then set down refreshed but unappeased to wait for the next earnin's to be brung him.

Field stood her ground stanchly. "No, I wa'n't," she went on. "An' I'll tell you why. I'm goin' to have that fifteen hundred dollars of your poor father's earnin's that I lent your uncle out of this property, an' this is all the way to do it, an' I'm goin' to do it." "I thought," gasped Lois "I thought maybe it belonged to us anyway if Aunt Esther was dead." "It didn't.

He began to think maybe he wa'n't a man, and then he began to act as if he wasn't a man. And he was ashamed of his life because he couldn't support me and Amabel, ashamed of his life because he had to live on my little earnin's. He was ashamed to look me in the face, and ashamed to look his own child in the face.