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'E'es, I'll take the letter, said he, rising, and turning it about in his fingers under his eye, like a curiosity. 'Tom Brice, I said, 'If you can't be true to me, say so; but don't take the letter except to give it to Lady Knollys, at Elverston. If you won't promise that, let me have the note back.

I like to see a chap of an independent spirit, and if I were now to see the cove that refused to sell his horse to my Lord Screw and Whitefeather, and let Jack Dale have him, I would offer to treat him to a pint of beer e'es, I would, verily.

Hittaway did not want to lose his services quite so soon. She expressed regret that her brother should have found himself unable to discuss a subject that was naturally so very distasteful to him, and begged Mr. Gowran to come to her again the next morning. "What I saw wi' my ain twa e'es, Mrs.

'And you are to give this letter to Lady Knollys, at Elverston; you know Elverston, don't you? 'He does, Miss. Don't ye, lad? 'E'es. 'Well, do so, Tom, and I'll be good to you so long as I live. 'D'ye hear, lad? 'E'es, said Tom; 'it's very good. 'You'll take the letter, Tom? 'I said, in much greater trepidation as to his answer than I showed.

"Kepital kepital. Give mothaw my love." "E'es be shure. Fainely plaized her'll be to hear thee'rt zo naicely adrest. Her'd maäde up her maind, pore zowl, that arl your buttons ud be out, wi' nobody to zee arter 'en. But I declare thee'rt drest laike a topsawyer." And with this a dead silence fell between the two.

'Whar 'ill ye go now, Tom? inquired Meg, uneasily. 'Never ye mind, lass, answered he, breaking his way through the thicket, and soon disappearing. 'E'es that 'ill be it he'll git into the sheepwalk behind the mound.

'E'es, I'll take it, he replied, holding out his hand. 'Tom Brice, you won't deceive me? 'Noa, sure, said Tom and Meg nearly in the same breath. 'You are an honest English lad, Tom you would not betray me? I was speaking imploringly. 'Noa, sure, repeated Tom. There was something a little unsatisfactory in the countenance of this light-haired youth, with the sharpish up-turned nose.