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And there is the welle, of the whiche Holy Writt spekethe offe, and seythe, Fons ortorum, et puteus aquarum viventium: that is to seye, The welle of gardyns, and the dyche of lyvynge watres. In this cytee of Thire, seyde the woman to oure Lord, Beatus venter qui te portavit, et ubera quae succisti: that is to seye, Blessed be the body that she baar, and the pappes that thou sowkedest.

Professor Dyche proved to be a very live wire, and his activities have covered the State of Kansas to its farthest corners. We love him for the host of enemies he has made among the poachers, game-butchers, pseudo-"sportsmen" and lawbreakers generally.

And toward the est syde, with oute the walles of the cytee, is the Vale of Josaphathe, that touchethe to the walles, as thoughe it were a large dyche. And anen that Vale of Josaphathe, out of the cytee, is the Chirche of Seynt Stevene, where he was stoned to dethe.

"Well," said Horace, quite restored to good humor, and speaking with some dignity, "you may laugh at me one kind of a way, but if you mean humph when you laugh, I won't stand it." "Woon't stand it!" echoed Peter Grant; "ain't that Dutch?" "Dutch?" replied Horace: "I'll show you what Dyche is! We have a Dyche teacher come in our school every day, and he stamps his foot and tears round!

Bailey had many imitators and rivals, nearly all of whom aimed, like him, at including all words; of these I need only name Dyche and Pardon 1735, B.N. Defoe 1735, and Benjamin Martin 1749. During the second quarter of the century, the feeling arose among literary men, as well as among the booksellers, that the time had come for the preparation of a 'Standard Dictionary' of the English tongue.

And thei suffre no Cristene man entre in to that place, but zif it be of specyalle grace of the Soudan. For thei holden Cristen men and Jewes as dogges. And thei seyn, that thei scholde not entre in to so holy place. And men clepen that place, where thei lyzn, double spelunke, or double cave or double dyche; for als meche as that on lyethe above that other.