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The posts left vacant by Bagration, who had been killed, and by Barclay, who had gone away in dudgeon, had to be filled. Very serious consideration was given to the question whether it would be better to put A in B's place and B in D's, or on the contrary to put D in A's place, and so on as if anything more than A's or B's satisfaction depended on this.

The mortified emperor quitted the place in high dudgeon, and the projected kingdom was doomed to a delay of some centuries. But the town of Nuys, in the archbishopric of Cologne, occupied him a full year before its walls.

This was a demand that the purchase price of the station should be paid in gold. The price was twenty-five thousand pounds and, as Dudgeon well knew, there was not such a quantity of coin to be found in the district, where it was the almost invariable practice to pay everything by cheque or order.

Wallace, I trust you as far as I trust your bank, and you know how far that is without my telling you." "Very good, Mr. Dudgeon. Will you watch it while it is being carried to your buggy? There are two troopers here who have acted as my escort from the head office. If you care to take them with you as a protection " "I want neither you nor your troopers," Dudgeon snarled.

Each man held a revolver, the masked man covering Durham, the bearded man covering Dudgeon. "Hands up!" There was the sharp ring in the voice which betokens the strain of a deadly determination. The eyes which glanced along the sights of the levelled weapon, aimed direct at Durham's head, were merciless and hard.

I'se got ter be treated wid 'spec myse'f; ef I don't, den hit's time fur me ter quit min'en chil'en: I gwine tell yer ma." And Mammy left the room in high dudgeon, but presently came back, and said Dumps was to go to her mother at once. "What is the matter with my little daughter?" asked her father, as she came slowly downstairs, crying bitterly, and met him in the hall.

Dudgeon." "Where will it do good?" he exclaimed. "That's just what I want to know. Tell me." "There are hospitals," she said. "And schools. You might found scholarships for poor students to " "And chapels and missions and dogs' homes go on, trot out the whole list," he interrupted. "None of them will ever get a pennypiece out of me.

But he did not get beyond Palermo; there he was so much worse that he could not leave his room. In a few weeks he was well enough to be removed to Naples, and Alfred went out and brought him home to London. He was taken to a nursing home in St. John's Wood where he lay for a month, attended by his old friend Dr. Dudgeon, and where he died on the 18th June, 1902.

After a short conference apart with him, he was in a position to inform his lord, who, learning the deception put on him, was very angry. His Honour was for leaving the place at once; but Mîtri and the brother of Azîz would not let him depart as if in dudgeon.

On each occasion those memories had returned as vividly as before; but the only result had been that his perplexity was sensibly increased. All through the winter, the perturbation of the little huckster's mind remained unallayed; but there came a day in early spring which set his questionings at rest. In that joyous season there was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Dudgeon an eighth child.