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You would have done better not to play, for I should have loved you all the same, and you would have been two thousand ducats better off." "And I two thousand ducats worse off," said the duke, laughing. "Never mind, dear Leonilda, I shall win this evening if you grant me some favour to-day. If you do not do so, I shall lose heart, and you will mourn at my grave before long."

Just as they reached the mouth of the Grand Canal, and were about to turn into it, a six-oared gondola shot out from under the point, and a voice called out: "Stop, in the name of the republic, and give an account of yourselves!" "Row on," the passenger exclaimed, starting up. "Ten ducats if you can set me safely on shore."

But in order to come home as soon as possible, I have, since my picture was finished, refused work that would have yielded me more than 2000 ducats. This all men know who live about me here. Bernhard Holzbeck has told me great things of you, though I think he does so because you have become his brother-in-law.

She again gave him a handful of ducats, but he would not keep them, and gave them to the gardener for playthings for his children. On the third day things went just the same; she could not get his cap away from him, and he would not have her money. Not long afterwards, the country was overrun by war.

Again and again he referred to the immense sum collected such as never before had been seen since the world was made 4,800,000 ducats with 2,000,000 in reserve, of which he was authorized to draw for 500,000 in advance, to say nothing of the Pope's million.

I had seen Premislas when he was a child, and had already heard reports of a notable achievement of his. At Naples he had cheated the Chevalier de Morosini by persuading him to become his surety to the extent of six thousand ducats, and now he arrived in Florence in a handsome carriage, bringing his mistress with him, and having two tall lackeys and a valet in his service.

Yet his cousin Orsato was one of the greatest and richest of the signori at Venice, and Ursula's husband would have found in him a strong upholder, as in truth we heard at Naples, where tidings reached us that the Pregadi, who had passed judgment upon him, had amerced him in a penalty of no more than two thousand ducats, which Orsato paid for him by reason that he would not suffer that his kinsman should he in prison.

Fortune kept the promises she had made to Roderigo: the pope received him as a son, and made him successively Archbishop of Valencia, Cardinal-Deacon, and Vice-Chancellor. To all these favours Calixtus added a revenue of 20,000 ducats, so that at the age of scarcely thirty-five Roderigo found himself the equal of a prince in riches and power.

A quarter of this sum belongs to me, and my mother has promised my sister and myself to share her dowry between us." I concluded from this that she would bring her husband fifteen thousand Venetian ducats.

At the Imperial Court, a man is sure to be welcome with 40,000 ducats, and Friedland will be again as he was at the first." "The advice is good," said Wallenstein, after a pause, "but let the devil trust to it."