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The Jesuits tell me that it was more clicked and guttural fifty years ago, but that they are successfully weeding out many of the more unpleasant catarrhal sounds. In noting down the names of animals, I was struck by the fact that the more familiar the animal the shorter its name. Thus the Beaver, Muskrat, Rabbit, and Marten, on which they live, are respectively Tsa, Dthen, Ka, and Tha.

She is accustomed to these attacks." "If nodthing does gude dthen vhy stay you efer in dthat room; you vill be ill, too." "Oh, no," I say, "no fear of that." "But," he insists, "if you do nodthing only sit in dthat room, let me stay vidth her and you come out in dthe air. Madame Steele ees not like you; she like me vairy vell." "She likes me better, and I can't leave her."

"He tell me I act like I vas Capitan, dthen he call me 'damn. I tell him he vas a coachman!" The Baron looks surprised and a bit resentful at our laughter. "What made you call him a coachman?" Mrs. Steele is the first, as usual, to pull a straight face. "Madame forget I know not all Eenglish vords. I could dthink of nodthing more vorse I vas zo crazy vidth madness." "See the banana plantations!

"You vould soon learn it," he says, "you understand many words now, I know by your face. Can you say my name, I vondair; try! Federico Guillermo." "Federico Guillermo," I repeat imperfectly "what a beautiful name!" "Dthen Blanca vill call me 'Guillermo. I like not 'de Baron de Bach' from her lips. Besides ve use not titles in Peru." Mrs.

I vill keep you in Guatemala vhile I send for her, and dthen ve go to Peru, to Ceylon anyvhere you like but America. I write Madame Steele you air my vife, and she vill soon zee ve air not to be find; she vill go back to New York. It ees no use dthat you cry out, no von hear, or if von do, you spik no Spanish, and I haf my pistol if any interfere. I tell you so much dthat you make no meestake.