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But the bold and hardy woman, to the end she might accomplish her wicked intent, and also gaine the money which she had promised the Physitian, staid the pot with her hand, saying: I pray you master Physitian, minister not this drinke unto my deare Husband, untill such time as you have drunke some part thereof your selfe: For what know I, whether you have mingled any poyson in the drinke or no, wherein I would have you not to be offended: For I know that you are a man of wisedome and learning, but this I do to the intent the conscience and love that I beare to the health and safeguard of my husband, may be apparent.

He that weares no money in his scarlett hose, and when he is drunke is infected with Counsell? Un. The very same; you shall find him at his Lodging in Fleetstreet or in the next taverne. Give him this Letter; tell him I desire his Companie this summer in the Country. He shall have a horse of mine, say: here, give him this gold, too. Tho. I hope it is gameing gold. Un.

The neglect of discipline in the Armie, for that men were suffered to be drunke with the plentie of wines. The scarsitie of Surgions. The want of carriages for the hurt and sicke: and the penurie of victuals in the Campe: Thereupon diuining that there would be no good done: And that therefore they could be content to lose their time, and aduenture to returne home againe.

When all these dances were ended, they fell on eating with such a greedinesse, that they seemed rather to deuoure their meate then to eate it, for they had neither eaten nor drunke the day of the feast, nor the two dayes following. Our men were not forgotten at this good cheere, for the Indians sent for them all thither, shewing themselues very glad of their presence.

A Bawdie house, I warrant. Grimes. Yes sir. Lov. Why, now its out. Grimes. I, and tis well your worships out. Lov. Noe, noe, it had bin better had I never gon in; but on, on. Grimes. You were, sir, as they say, sir you had gotten a Cup to much. Lov. Hang Cupps, my friend excepted; goe to; speake plaine; I was drunke was I? Grimes. Yes, sir; you were not able to stand when you came out, sir? Lov.

I lay my life a Tinker. Crac. And in his parish of account. Cla. A Scavenger. Bel. Is it a badge of your profession To be uncivell? Suc. Uncivell! Noe; what is in other men uncivill In us is resolution; therefore yeild: I am invincible, flesh cannot stand Before me. Bel. It must be drunke then. Cla. I am not ith humour now To laugh, or else Ide not dismisse him yet. Good Mr.

By his cloathes you might deeme him a knight; but yet if you uncase him, you will find his sattin dublett naught but fore sleaves & brest, the back part buckram; his cloake and cape of two sorts; his roses and garters of my ladyes old Cypres: to conclude, sir, he is an ambodexter or a Jack-of-all-sides & will needs mend that which Nature made: he takes much upon him since the old Knight dyed, and does fully intend to run to hell for the lady: he hates all wines and strong drinks mary, tis but in publique, for in private he will be drunke, no tinker like him.

And to prove my nature wholly, they gave met such meates as every Asse doth abhorre: for they put before mee beefe and vinegar, birds and pepper, fish and verjuice: in the meane season they that beheld met at the table did nothing but laugh. Hoe boy, wash yonder pot, and fill it with wine, which done, carry it to the Asse, and say that I have drunke to him.

That will stay his stomach, indeed, but Claret is your only binder. Foo. Sack, while you live, after a heat, Sir. Tho. Please you, my friend, ile shew you the way to be drunke. Ri. To my loving Daughter. May not this be a trick? Enter Underwit. Captaine, gather you the sence of that Letter while I peruse this. You know Mistress Dorothy. Un.

But the servants watched the sow and saw it enter Mother Sutton's house. Master Enger made light of the story when it was told to him, and, with remarkable insight for a character in a witch story, "supposed they were drunke." But a few days later the same servant fell into conversation with Mother Sutton, when a beetle came and struck him.